chapter 4:princess part 1

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Talking over mic

Kotori:ok it seems like the spirit was actually nearby and we didn't need to beam you up so we're going to beam you back down to talk with her.

Shido:roger that sis.

Shido is then beam back down to the school as he walks over to wear the spirit is located which is an empty classroom.

Shido:hello there how are you doing?

Spirit:who are you are you!!(launches energy slash)

Shido(snaps fingers):DENIED

As soon as shido says that the slash dissipates.

Shido:well that was rude

Kotori:onichan what was that?

Shido:so do you have a name because i don't really like using informal words like hey you


Spirit:I don't really have a name but more importantly what was that?!

Reine:i think he forgot to turn on the communicator.


Shido(proud smirk):oh that is a spell that i created called denied magic which allows me to nullify any and all types of magic.

Kotori:ok that sounds very unfair.

Reine:yes but it can also be very useful.

Spirit:so you nullify my magic I guess it figures that they will send someone like you to kill me.

Shido:I'm not going to kill you I will never kill anyone without a good reason.

Kotori/Reine:wait what?

Shido:but since you don't have a name do you mind if i give you one?

Spirit:sure but if i don't like it i will kill you

Shido(thinking pose):hmm aha how about tohka?


Shido:yeah do you like it?

Tohka:yes but how do you spell that?

Shido:its spelled like this

Shido would then use chalk to write out tohka's name on the blackboard as tohka would then proceed to do the same with her magic.

Tohka:i thank you for giving me this name uhh.....

Shido:oh right i never gave you my name did I my name is Shido D Itsuka nice to meet you

Reine:wait D?

Kotori: what does the D stand for?

Kannazuki: well obviously it ..ahh thank you.

Tohka:shido huh so what business do you have with me?

Shido:is it wrong to talk with a beautiful girls such as yourself?

Tohka(blushing):what are you talking about baka?!?!

Kotori: wow even though she sounded mad her mood levels are going higher.

Reine: well he did say he knows how to deal and i quote "a blond hair tsundare and an albino hair kuudere"

Kotori: wait who's the blond hair tsundare?

Reine:her apparently.

Yep female "kid" gilgamesh (don't worry she's legal and 15 years old)

Kotori: gilga he's freinds with gilga? How ,when,why?

Reine: apparently they met a burger...

Shido:borgar actually get it right.

Kotori: wait you can hear us this whole time?

Kotori: then why didn't you respond when we were talking to you?
Shido:didn't want to.

Reine: so like i was saying they met at a "borgar" restaurant and well they were out of seats and gilga didn't have a place to sit so she "asked"(Basically sat down without a care)if she could sit there which he responded with fine(Shido didn't really care)and they shared small talk(gilga acting like a tsundare and saying "you should feel honored that someone as beautiful as I sits with you" and shido not really caring)which quickly escalated into full blown chatter(gilga trying to get a rise out of shido but shido just decided to mess with her,which resulted in gilga being in a blushing mess and with shido having a smile of satisfaction on his face) and well they soon became friends and he even gave her a ride home on his motorcycle(gilga just hopped on and said take me home which shido replyed with ok where do you live and a soon as they arrived exchanged contact info to do fun stuff next time)

Kotori: wait you have a motorcycle why wasn't I inform about this?

Shido: you never asked.

Kotori:ah ah

Shido: are you ok sis?

Kotori: I'm fine just had an aneurysm out of sheer stupidity.

Shido:wow didn't think you were that stupid Kotori.

Fraxinus -kotori:ahahahahhahahhahaha

Kotori:shut up baka and besides don't you have a girl to ask out

Shido: yeah i know the bushing daydreaming should be ending in 3. 2. 1 and now.

Tohka:i-i-i-i won't fall for your tricks that easily.

Shido:oh but you won't be falling for tricks...

Shido then appears right in front of her grabs her by the hand and spins her a bit around then with one hand grabs her waist and leans forward while she leans backwards.

Shido(suave voice):you'll be falling for me.

Tohka then gains an atomic blush as she says incoherent mumbling as the ast are still outside waiting for tohka to come out.

Reine:well on the bright side tohka's affection levels just skyrocketed.

Kotori (pissed):yeah very good

Shido:and Kotori's jealousy levels also skyrocketed.

Shido:so tohka want to go on a date with me tomorrow?

Tohka:a date what's that?


Ast soldier:fire now

The ast just begin firing bullets after bullets with tohka and fraxinus freaking out about shido getting hurt as they close their eyes to avoid looking as Shido gets shot with the bullets doing nothing

Shido: you know these ast guys earn the medel for words worst timing.

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