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First things first-
I'd like to thank her for letting me use the Strategist class she created
As the story goes on you'll learn more about it.
Anyways, I've been reading her TF2 fic for a while now and thanks to her story I've been inspired to create my own.
You should really check out her piece! "New Addition" I really enjoyed reading it and there are so many funny parts in it that made me smile.
Her book really has a special place in my heart and I'm so glad she wrote it.

And without further ado,
I'll get on with the A/N
This book is strictly platonic relations, there may be some friendly joke flirting but it's to be taken lightly.
BUT there will be some small pining for Miss Pauling, because how could you not be in love with that woman just the slightest bit? Plus it'll add comedic bits
(All #'s are satirical)

Talented and gifted kid burn out syndrome as a college student, that basically sums up your personality. You took on many different majors and minors all around the board, dabbling in theatre, medicine, engineering, science, many things. All because you couldn't figure out what you want to do in life, and the consequences? A boat load of debt (literally, you could fill a small boat with all the cash you owe)
So what happens when you're given the opportunity of a life time? Cold hard cash, and lots of it.

Also the reader is gender neutral, but there will be non-gender neutral nicknames
Like Scout saying "toots" [Pronounced as too-ts though]
or Soldier going "cupcake" stuff like that, is all his taunting as usual
And Engineer referring to you as "darling" or "pumpkin" [Will happen later down the line] Is meant as a term of platonic endearment. Cause I mean, father figure anyone?
Aka you'll be getting a nickname from everyone  eventually.

Okay so in the comics Scout says he's known Pauling for 6 years so I'm going to say their canonical age comes from the comics since that's the most recent info line. So take whatever age the characters are now and subtract 6.
The reader is 20, Scout will also be 20, you guys can do the other character math lmao

Feel free to leave comments! They are the things that encourage me to keep writing, I like seeing comments.
[Comments are my life-blood]

Team Fortress 2 and it's characters and plot and game all belong to Valve.

[Update] 01/3/24
I've got some chapters I'll be releasing soon!
Ironically enough, I started college early and have been busy since then. Still deciding between Biomedical Science or Film studies lolol
But I will definitely be continuing the fic, I already have some chapters finished, I just meed to edit and post them :]
The Newbie is not having an easy morning after the party, that's for certain.

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