Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6: Tʜᴇ Mᴇᴇᴛᴜᴘ .2

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Chapter 6: The Meetup .2

Time to face the music.
Literally, they were actually starting to play some music to get the party started.
There was a large blue banner with the word painted in red saying, "WELCOME!"
It looked thrown together last minute.
There were some purple and gold balloons tied to a table with snacks and drinks on it.
Snacks such as sandwiches, pastries, punch, and beer.
It was a pretty sweet gesture.

However in the middle of your gandering, you hadn't noticed the person who stepped up beside you until they started speaking.

"Howdy there." A southern voice greeted.

You turned to face him, having to slightly look down to make eye contact, "Oh hey there." You said back. He was wearing overalls and a button shirt. There were dark goggles sitting atop his head.

"Ahm Engineer, but most call me Engie." He smiled as he held his hand out.

You took it and gave a good sturdy shake. You're not the best at social interactions but you were taught how to shake firmly and professionally at least.

"It's nice to meet you, I don't think I can say my name so I'm not sure what you can call me yet." You chuckled

"How about we call you Newbie maggot!"  Someone shouted right in your ear, causing you to turn and face a soldier looking guy with a jump. You were met face to face with a helmet so low on his head you could only see the lower half of his face. God your ear hurt.

"Soldier! Don't be scaring the newbie like that." Engineer said, scolding the loud guy presumably named Soldier.
However before he could respond, Engineer spoke to you instead.

"Sorry about that, that's Soldier. He's... Well he's him." He paused with a small glare directed at the soldier before continuing, "That luggage of yours must be getting heavy right? Seein' as you don't have a room yet, you can just set it down in the corner over there." Engineer pointed over to an empty corner.

"Oh thank you-" And before you could finish your sentence-

"Allow me to help you Newbie!" Suddenly your duffel bag was torn from your grip and your precious Big Bertha too.
Soldier had snatched them from you and started marching his way to the corner. You went with him mostly in a panic.

"Please be careful, some of that stuff is...." He dropped your things haphazardly, "fragile.." You muttered the last part. At least nothing broke thankfully.
You set your back pack down with the rest of your stuff.
"Good work, mission accomplished Newbie" He harshly, but most like didn't intend to, clapped your shoulder with a wide grin on his half face. Did he have to call you 'newbie' every sentence?

You chuckled, "Haha, woo- Go us." despite your words, you didn't sound as enthusiastic as Soldier, before you turned away from the corner now empty handed to join the rest of the party goers.

Just then a hand holding a bottle came into view. People should really stop jumping into your face like this, have they not learned after seeing the mess with Scout?

"Ach, here take this. It's nota real party without a bit of booze in ya." A full figure came into view now as you grabbed the neck of the glass bottle.
He wore a beanie and an eye patch, like a modern pirate. Was the eyepatch just for the look or did something happen to him? That would be rude to ask first thing so you ignored it. He also had some sort of mutton chop facial hair going on and spoke in a thick Scottish accent.

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