Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2: Tʜᴇ Sᴇᴛᴜᴘ .2

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Chapter 2: The Setup .2

Aside from the weird call from Jeremy, it was a pretty normal day yesterday. Yet despite everything going as normal, you woke up again with that gut feeling.

Maybe you're coming down with a cold or something, you don't get sick often so maybe that's why you aren't used to the feeling.
Shrugging to yourself, you headed out of your dorm for another day of classes.

Not many students have class on the weekends, so the grounds were practically empty as you skated as usual on Big Bertha.
The fog just made it feel especially eerie this morning. Everything was quiet and still, no one was walking about actually, it was just you and the sound of Bertha's wheels.

However, that was when you saw it. A figure of a person in the foggy shadows up ahead. As you got closer you could almost make out their features but then suddenly, they disappeared.
When you rolled past the area you saw the figure, there was no one in sight. A shiver ran down your spine as you decided to keep skating by, you are not going to be murdered today, nope, nope, nope.

You repeated nope in your head until you got to the safety of your lab building. Today, you'd be working in one of your more engaging classes, robotics.
Even though you felt anxious from that event earlier, you were still excited about robotics.
A smile crept on your face as you entered the classroom and were greeted by the professor.
You loved everything about robots, their complex systems, their AI, the wiring, everything.

Currently you were working on a small little thing, you named it Tiny Tim. It was about the size of your forearm and looked like the stereotypical way a robot would look. Blocky, chunky, with lego looking hands. You made it look this way on purpose, you thought it'd be funny.
However he wasn't finished, you were still programming the system and you still needed to finish building the exterior, other than that the project was coming along nicely.

However when you went to the area of the shop where you normally keep Tiny Tim, he wasn't there.
Immediately you were starting to freak out so you tried taking a deep breath.
'Okay, relax, somebody probably moved him out of the way'
At first you began looking around the workshop calmly, but soon it turned into frantic shuffling about trying to find your poor bot, your college life's work.
Distraught at the realization, you couldn't find him, somebody stole Tim.

You located your professor and talked to him with extreme worry in your voice, "My robot, somebody took him."
He looked at you with concern, "Now now, let's just look at the security feed, I'm sure maybe you just left it at your dorm."
It was nice of him to try and give you some comfort but it wasn't really working.

The instructor lead you to the security part of the building where he left you with the guard to watch over the camera footage. He had a class of robot obsessed students to look after and make sure they weren't bringing about the AI revolution after all.

Wasting no time, the guard pulled up footage starting from last night and ending just before the class started, which it starts at 8 AM.
You watched, staring at your robot on the counter through the screen, it was silent and nothing was happening.
However once 7:50 rolled around something funny happened to the camera, it blurred out for a split second and suddenly your bot was gone. You didn't see anyone enter the building or leave. The guard was just as surprised as you were.

That was when you remembered, that shady figure from this morning. It seemed they were walking from your lab building, it had to have been them.
You explained it to the guard and that was when they reassured you they'll order a campus wide search for the person and look through any robotics students dorms just to be sure.

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