Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3: Tʜᴇ Sᴇᴛᴜᴘ .3

343 11 7

Chapter 3: The Setup

You came back to your dorm around 9 PM exhausted. Today had been such a busy day. It was nice talking to that Celine chick though, maybe you'll see her again tomorrow.
You leaned Bertha up by the door.
'Kind of an odd coincidence she ran into me right when I was going to lunch though, as if it was planned... nah she probably just was walking past and saw me in the hallway.'
You brushed it off.

However once you walked into the living space of your dorm, it felt off. As if you weren't the only one inside.
You checked around the room. Your dorm was a simple cube. A small bed in the right corner and to the left wall, a doorway to the bathroom.
And a desk beside the bed. And by the front door was a very tiny kitchen, aka, a medium sized fridge, a small stove top with a sink beside it, and a microwave.

Usually your bedroom space was littered with your papers, assignments, and projects, but it was an organized mess that you recognized. But tonight, it looked different. It looked like someone had gone through your things, it wasn't obvious at first but when you looked closely, some of your messy papers were out of order, however nothing was missing.
That was when you noticed something on your desk, it was Tim. You were surprised to see that he was standing on your desk in perfect condition, a bit too perfect. Maybe the security guard found him and returned him? No, they would have told you.
It seems whoever took Tim returned him. Weird.
You looked around the rest of your small dorm, ending in the kitchen, but you found nobody.

Suddenly you heard a window being closed. Immediately you went into your bedroom. It seemed whoever was here, left through the window.
This was too creepy.

Despite how tired you felt, you didn't feel safe to fall asleep, but you couldn't really go anywhere else either.
So you took out some tools from your closet and stayed up to inspect your bot.
As you were gently looking through Tim, making sure there were no signs of corruption or sabotage, you noticed other signs.
Someone had reverse engineered your robot, as if they were studying your creation.

Actually what surprised you more was it seemed whoever took your prized child fixed some errors you were meaning to work on with the wiring. It also seems that whoever did this put him back together more neatly than how you first forged him. Interesting.
Whoever did this didn't have any ill intentions it appears they were just curious.

You sighed before putting Tim back together and made sure you locked up your windows and door afterwards.
It was even later now and you were so tired. But instead you continued to sit at your desk, working on college assignments.
Working long into the night.


First thing you heard was that damned alarm of yours, jolting you awake into an upright sitting position.
You had fallen asleep at your desk, some drool laid about on your homework, gross.
Your head moved stiffly as you looked to your clock before slamming the off button.

You don't even remember falling asleep. You looked down at your paper and saw that the last word you were writing was scribbled poorly and the pencil line dragged off the paper. Your body must have just shut down from exhaustion.
Man you felt as stiff as a board, sleeping at your desk did not do wonders for you, that's for sure.

That was when you remembered the events of last night. You stood up to check around the dorm, making sure you were 100% alone just in case whoever it was came back.
Once positive you were alone, you took a well deserved shower.
Thankfully today was one of the days where you have class a bit later, so you didn't have to worry about time since it starts at 9 AM.

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