Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4: Tʜᴇ Sᴇᴛᴜᴘ .4

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Chapter 4: The Setup .4

"So tell me more about this job." You asked with great interest.

Celine closed the bag.
"I actually can't disclose to much information but essentially, you'll be fighting a private war among professionals in their field. Easy peasy, right?"

You put a hand to your chin in thought.
'That money could really help me out of this situation, and I can technically still get my credentials without worrying about missing class... Maybe I should take the deal.'

Just then, Celine was getting a call, which took you out of your thoughts. She looked down at her block phone,
"Mind if I get this?" She asked.

"Not at all." You replied before she turned down the hall and answered it.

You tried not to pry so you just stood and waited until she was done. You could see her nod before she hung up and turned, walking back to you.
"That was my boss. I'll have to be going now. However I will be back tonight at your dorm with the papers needed to make it official, if you choose to sign for the job that is. Goodbye y/n, I hope you choose the right choice."
The last part sounded ominous as she smiled, but it seemed a bit threatening more than anything as she once again turned and walked away to who knows where to do who knows what.

This all felt like something out of a movie, but extremely sketchy. Like this isn't exactly a drug deal but you sure are going to be making a bunch of cash like one. Who exactly does she work for? And where does all the money come from? Should you really take this job?

The rest of your day had gone pretty normal as any other day. Actually it was so normal you almost forgot about all the odd stuff that just recently happened to you.

You hummed a small tune as you walked up to your dormitory door. However when you went to unlock it, you realized it was already unlocked.
But this didn't worry you too terribly, Celine did say she'd be here. Though, you still entered the dorm with caution.

Just as you closed the door behind you and sat your stuff down, the woman in purple made herself known.

"So have you come to a decision?" She asked while swiveling around in your desk chair to face you with her hands tented together. it gave you villain vibes. Aside from your bed it was the only other furniture.
'Wait, did she have this planned? That's kind of adorably dorky'

You took a seat on your bed, "Yeah, I've decided... I want to accept your offer." You tried matching her professionalism.

"Well then you made the right choice." Her voice had an air of ominicity, as if things wouldn't be so good if you had denied the request, "Now then, here are the papers to sign. Feel free to read through them, or not." She shrugged and handed them to you before pushing up her glasses.

Now, you aren't an idiot. Of course you're going to be reading the fine print before signing anything.
You expected a pile of papers, however on your desk was more than one pile of paper. It gave you a headache just to look at the other pile on your desk.
You tried to read through most of the first of the two stacks but despite your best efforts, most of these words made zero sense.
'Celine' noticed your faltering.
"Like I said, you don't have to worry about reading it all it's uh... Mostly lawyer language."
She started pointing out what some of it means but then purposely ignored some other ones brushing it off as, "Oh it's nothing too important." But something about that made you doubt her.
Yet in the end, you signed all of the papers anyways, answered their questions and initialed in the blank spaces.
You have now signed away only a couple years of your life. The contract renews every two years, which surprised you, how long does a private war last?
At least you'll be a billionaire by the time two years passed.

'Celine' hummed happily as she took the papers back and tucked them into her bag.

"So, now that it's all official, what's your actual name? And don't worry, I'm no blabbermouth." You asked curiously.

"Well since you're a part of the team now, call me Miss Pauling." She stood up with confidence, as if she completed a quest. Technically she did since she was assigned the task of recruiting you, and she succeeded.

"I'll be back here at 7 in the morning to give you time to pack your things, pack lightly though since we'll be providing food and board already." She added on as Pauling made her way out of your dorm.

Once alone, you stood up to glance around your dorm. What should you take with you?
You pulled out your discarded duffel bag from under your bed, left there from when you first moved into this campus.

You were able to pack most of your clothes in it, unsurprisingly. You didn't really have much and some of it you grew out of or don't want anymore so you decided to leave them.

'I wonder who's going to be cleaning out my dorm.' The thought occurred to you that you wouldn't have enough time to entirely empty your dorm. Oh well, someone else probably has that planned.

You picked up your school bag and emptied it out. Instead of carrying all your supplies in it, you decided to stuff it with your half finished science and engineering projects, you spent a lot of time on them and didn't want all your work trashed for nothing. You also gently fit Tim inside the bag too.

Oh that's right! You should ask Pauling tomorrow if it was her sneaking into your dorm and returning Tim.

On another note, you went back to your duffel bag and filled it some more with your hygiene products, wouldn't want to leave those behind.

Also you spent a couple hours cleaning and straightening up your dorm, you wouldn't want whoever was going to take care of it next deal with everything. You made it fun by blasting some music on your walkman.

After all that, it was time for rest. You almost couldn't sleep however, feeling all giddy inside like a kid on Christmas Eve.

Tomorrow was going to be a changing point in your sad lonely moneyless life.

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