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Making her way towards the front door, Sirah can't help but think back over the all times she's been through this exact same experience over the past year. Demi goes through a round of IVF, Sirah takes Demi for the blood tests and then drops her back at home with promises that she'll be fine, only to receive a teary phone call asking her to come over when the clinic phone with the negative results. After the second time, she always drops Demi back home and then heads to Target to buy snacks for her trip later.

'Only me.' Sirah shouts as she makes her way through the front door.

'I'm just in the bathroom... Go into the living room and I'll be through in a minute.' Demi replies from upstairs. Sirah makes her way into the living room and places the bag on the coffee table before sitting down on the sofa. It's a good few minutes before Demi makes her way into the living room, her cheeks are stained with tears as she carries a small white box in her hands and Sirah smiles sympathetically at her.

'I'm sorry, lovely... How are you feeling?' Sirah asks as Demi bites her bottom lip and wipes her cheek with her free hand.

'I'm okay. I just- I want to thank you, Sirah. Throughout the past year you've been here for everything from the egg retrieval to stabbing me in the ass with those pesky injections and I just- I want you to know I do appreciate it, even you turning up after every round with snacks.' Demi says quietly as she passes the box to Sirah.

'Oh, Demi... You didn't have to get me anything.' Sirah replies watching as Demi sits down on the armchair opposite her. She opens the box to reveal some cream tissue paper, under the tissue paper is a small white onesie with the words 'Will you be my godmother' printed on it in black along with a pregnancy test which reads 'Pregnant. 1-2'.

'Oh- No way? A-Are you serious? I thought I was coming over here to give you the whole it's okay, you have other embryos frozen, you can try again chat...' Sirah says, tears filling her eyes as she looks up at Demi.

'I'm so serious. They phoned around three-ish and then I just had to take multiple tests just to be 100% sure... I've had the onesie for months.' Demi admits, tears streaming down her cheeks.

'Fuck- Come here... I'm so happy for you.' Sirah says making her way over to Demi and instantly throwing her arms around her.



'How are you feeling? Have you decided how or when you're going to announce the news to the world?' Dianna asks as Demi rests her hand on her stomach.

'Honestly? I don't know if I want to. I just- I love that this is just my little thing right now; I don't have people commenting on the size of my bump or bombarding me with all these questions. I just- I'm enjoying just being pregnant without the world's eyes on me.' Demi admits.

'How are you planning on hiding it though? I mean you've already got a little bit of a bump, Dems?' Madison asks causing Demi to shrug her shoulders as she glances out the car window and takes a sip of water.

'I don't really know. I just- I know I'm not ready to open this part of my life up to the world right now. I just want to take things a day at a time and hopefully I'll be able to announce when I'm ready to... Other people in the public eye have managed to keep their pregnancy private until they gave birth.' Demi replies. 

'I know people have done it before but they've all mainly been having just the one baby. You are growing two in there.' Madison says.

'Are you going to find out the sex of the babies? We could throw a gender reveal party for you?' Dianna asks.

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