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'Lottie and Theo have a little secret, don't you?' Demi says smiling as she watches the three year olds nod their heads.

'Oh really? Do we get to know your secret?' Dianna asks.

'Mmm... Why don't you tell everyone your secret?' Demi replies. Lottie mumbles something and buries her head into the pillow beside her as Dianna raises her eyebrows.

'What, sweetheart? Nana didn't hear you.' Dianna says.

'Why don't you tell nana your secret, Theo?' Demi suggests.

'Momma's got a baby in her belly.' Theo announces and instantly her entire family gasps.

'Momma's got a what?' Eddie asks.

'A baby in her belly.' Theo repeats grinning.

'No...' Dianna says, tears filling her eyes as she shakes her head and glances at Demi.

'I'm seventeen weeks.' Demi replies biting her bottom lip.

'You're lying.' Dallas says causing Demi to smile.

'I promise I'm not. I made the decision last year to try one last time. I did all the medication and egg retrieval with only Sirah and Matthew knowing because they helped with the kids... I've got some sonogram pictures in my purse.' Demi replies. She reaches into her bag and pulls out the envelope containing her latest sonogram photos. She passes them to her mom who stares down at them before passing them around the family.

'Congratulations, sweetheart... How are you feeling? How has this pregnancy been for you so far?' Dianna asks as she hugs her daughter.

'I'm feeling good now that I'm past the stage I was last time... Physically this pregnancy has been so much easier than my others but it's been a lot tougher mentally.' Demi admits.

'I can't believe you've kept it quiet for so long.' Dallas says shaking her head.

'I had to. I guess it was my way of protecting myself, protecting my heart because the less people that knew the less people I'd have to tell if it all went wrong.' Demi admits.

'Oh you two are going to make the most wonderful big brother and sister.' Dianna says lifting Theo onto her knee.


'I really need to start getting prepared for this one.' Demi says shaking her head as they pull into a parking space.

'What have you already got?' Madison asks.

'I've ordered a stroller online, that should be delivered any day now. I've got the nursery furniture, that got delivered last weekend I believe.' Demi replies and Madison smiles.

'Well you're already getting organised. How far along are you now?' Madison asks watching as Demi unfastens her seatbelt.

'Mmm... Twenty-six weeks.' Demi replies smiling. 

'Oh so only ten weeks ahead of me.' Madison replies resting her hand on her stomach.

'I guess- Wait, what?' Demi asks.

'I found out a few days after you told us at mom's.' Madison replies.

'I-I-Wow, I wasn't expecting this. Congratulations! How are you feeling? How's baby? How's Ryan feeling?' Demi asks. 

'I'm okay. I've actually been really lucky and haven't had too many symptoms other than tiredness. Baby is doing amazingly and growing absolutely perfectly. Ryan is doing good now. It was a huge shock to us both and it took us a long time to get our heads around it all which is why we're only just starting to tell people but we're both really excited.' Madison replies.

'Oh I'm so happy for you both... Do we get to do baby shopping for you today as well?' Demi asks and Madison nods her head.

'I was hoping you'd help me figure out what we need.' Madison replies.


'I know you've obviously made the choice to do this all by yourself but I honestly don't know how you do it... I've spent the past what nine weeks relying so heavily on Ryan and to think you're on your own.' Madison says shaking her head causing Demi to smile.

'Honestly? There have been times, especially when the twins were young, that I longed for that family unit but I don't anymore. I love being solo parent to my littles and I honestly can't imagine having another parent for them in the house.' Demi admits shrugging her shoulders.

'I think you're amazing doing it all on your own... Do you think you'll have anymore? Do you have any embryos frozen?' Madison asks.

'I have two frozen but I don't think I'll have anymore. Three seems like a pretty good number to me... I'll just leave the babies up to you and Dal now.' Demi replies smiling. 

'Are you going to find out what you're having?' Demi asks as Madison runs her hand over her stomach.

'Mmm... We get to find out in two weeks which is exciting.' Madison replies.

'It's so much fun finding out because you get to buy all the cute clothes and decorate the nursery.' Demi says smiling.

'Have you picked out a name yet?' Madison asks and Demi nods her head.

'I'm pretty certain I've got her name but I want to wait until she's born to fully decide.' Demi replies running her hand over her stomach.


'Do you want to help me pick some stuff up for baby sister?' Demi asks glancing down at Theo and Lottie who are holding onto her hands.

'What do we need momma?' Lottie asks as they make their way into the large Target store.

'Well we need to get some diapers and wipes for her. Mommy needs to get some bits to take to hospital with her for when I'm having the baby and then I was thinking maybe you could both help me pick some outfits for her?' Demi suggests watching the little girl grin.

'When will baby get here, momma?' Theo asks.

'I don't know exactly, baby. Remember when I said that we can't tell exactly when a baby will be born but the doctors give you a rough date?' Demi asks and Theo nods his head.

'Well mommy's date for this baby is in six weeks so we've not got long to go.' Demi explains.

'Are you excited to meet her?' Demi asks.

'Will we get to hold her, mommy?' Lottie asks and Demi nods her head.

'Of course you will. As soon as mommy gets home from the hospital with her you'll be able to hold her. You'll probably need to use the boppy at first to help you hold her but you'll definitely get to hold her.' Demi replies smiling.

'I so excited.' Theo says grinning. 

'Oh I'm so excited as well. You two will make the most wonderful big brother and sister to our littlest lady. 

'Do we come to the hospital, mommy?' Lottie asks.

'When I'm having the baby? No. So mommy will go into hospital with Auntie Si and Nana so Pops will probably watch you both. I don't know if it'll be at our house or at Pops house...' Demi explains.

'When will we meet baby?' Lottie asks.

'Well that all really depends. As long as everything goes as planned then hopefully mommy will be able to bring the baby home pretty soon.' Demi replies.

'Let's go do some shopping for baby sister.' Demi says smiling. 

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