Lovely Mornings

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So Sorry

The next morning I woke up to a "beautiful" sight, according to Dylan.

But really, it looked like a war zone. There was marshmallows, pillows, blankets, chips, and an overturned cup of some liquid in certain spots in the living room. But to Dyl it looked like a sanctuary.

"Since it's your natural habitat Dylan, why don't you clean it," commanded Ty.

"But then it won't be my natural habitat anymore," Dyl smartly replied. I leaned over to Colton who fell asleep next to me last night, "get the popcorn, this is getting good."

"Who's cooking breakfast, I'm starving!" Tyler complained, "It's your house Ty, why don't you cook?"

"Do you really want me to burn my house down," he sassed back.

"You know, a man that can cook is really hot," I winked at them jokingly.

"I'll cook!" screamed Colton from next to me. Holland grabbed her stuff, "and that is my cue to leave, bye guys see you later," she waved and walked out.

"Dude, you can't cook for shit," Dyl reminded him.

Colton looked down embarrassed, "oh yeah, lets just go out and eat!" He said as if it was the smartest thing he said all day, but in his case, it was.

"While you guys decide that, I have to go shoot a scene today so I'm going to go," Crystal said, "Bye guys."

"And then there were five," Dyl said in a deep voice.

"Let's just go to iHop. Okay?" I asked.

"Okay," they all replied back racing to the car.


We didn't really think about the fan issue, or the paparazzi issue. We didn't think about the crowding in general.

A hungry stomach speaks a drunk mind. Or something like that.

We had to enter through the back entrance, and pass the kitchen. I was going to take a pancake off a plate but then thought better of it, but Dyl didn't. He stole that pancake with no shame and even put a glob of syrup on top.

"No pain, no gain," Dyl said, "right guys?"

"No," Ty looked at him like he deserved to be put into an asylum, " that didn't make any sense."

"Haters gonna hate," he replied while waving his hand in a flamboyant way.

We got seated at a table closest to the kitchen in a corner and away from windows. I eat like a slob so I need my privacy.

We waited a few minutes a got our orders down. Ty and Dyl got cinnamon pancakes, Tyler got an omelette, and Colton and I got chocolate chip pancakes.

"So, how do you two know each other?" Ty asked looking at Dylan and I.

"Uh.. it's kind of a long story," Dyl said avoiding eye contact. "It's a story for another day."

Our atmosphere turned uncomfortable, and I was hoping someone will change the subject in some way, we can talk about flying goats for all I cared!

"So... how bout those Mets."

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. Haynes.


There's a part 2 to this if you'd like to call it that... It's basically just a continuation since this is only about 500 words.

Barbara Plavin to the side --->

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