Sleepover Without The Sleep

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I took the bags once again, said my goodbye's to Trisha, and walked to the awaiting car outside the lobby.

Twenty minutes later the driver stopped in front of Tyler's apartment, well more of a penthouse.



The door flew open revealing a smiling Ty. "Hey romantic interest"




Ty took the bags from my hands and placed them on his kitchen floor. The kitchen was an open space and had light grey marbled counters with swirls of white and black specks. Tyler's kitchen looked like it was well stocked with junk food for tonight. Off to the side of the room had a connected hallway which had two doors.

"Colton, Holland, and Crystal are here," Ty said, "we're just waiting on Tyler and Dylan."

I nodded with a smile and walked over to the livingroom. I was shocked to say the least. This was far the biggest livingroom I have ever seen. It looked like it was a separate apartment. To the front off the room stood a lit, modern looking fireplace. Hanging over the fireplace was the T.V that was currently playing the Discovery Channel, well okay then. The right side of the room was built completely out of glass with a single glass door that led to a blacony. From my position, I could barely make out the reflection of the moon shimmering on his pool. To the back of the room sat a black piano that looked way to clean to ever hold the title as "used".

I scanned my eyes over the sectional. The shortest section had an oddly large lump of under the brown fluffly blanket. So I did the thing any normal person would do, I jumped on it.

"Hey Coley," I said with my lovely smirk.

"Don't call me that," he said still under the blanket. He popped his head out with a small pout playing at his lips. "Get off me, you way a ton," he said with a chuckle while I pouted.

I glanced over to Holland and Crystal who were laying on the floor with a magazine while giggling like pedophiles. Ty walked over to them when they motioned for him to come over. He bent down and started to chuckle. Colton rolled to the floor and crawled over to them, where he too, started to chuckle. Feeling oddly left out I walked over to them with my hands on my hips.

"Hey Nicole, I didn't know you were pregnant with Harry Styles' kid," Crystal joked.

"Awe, I'm slighlty jealous," Colton with a half serious face.

"I know you are babe," I said with a wink.

"So you're not denying being pregnant with a little Styles'," Holland said.

"Oh, how I wish," I said with a chuckle then collapsed on Colton's previous spot on the couch. Ty chuckled and put on the movie cars. He looked over to us with a sheepish smile.

"To pass time," Ty said. Colton rolled his eyes and sat next to me.




By the middle of the movie, Holland was in the kitchen getting drinks, Crystal was typing away on her phone, and a Ty looked half asleep with his eyes carefully trained on the T.V.

Then there was Colton and I. We were currently having a contest to see who gets a marshmallow in the others mouth first. It was highly entertaining.

"YES, I GOT IT," I yelled.


"I'm okay," a sleepy Ty said climbing up from the floor, at the same time Tyler and Dylan walked in through the door.

"What are they doing," I heard Dylan asked Crystal while I was still celebrating to a pouting Colton and grunting Ty.

"That's no fair; I was distracted by the wonderful," he said with an eye roll, "entrance of Dylan and Tyler."

"You keep telling yourself that," I patted his cheek. "I've been waiting for ages for you two to arrive, Colton here was doing a horrible job in entertaining me," I teased.

"My official role in this group is to be insulted and make all of you feel good about yourselves," Colton complain and whipped a fake tear away. "Of course young grasshopper, what did you expect?" Dylan teased with a small smirk playing across his lips.

"You all suck," mumbled Colton while the rest of us laughed, oh poor Colton.

More junk food was thrown across the table and we began to play the first picked movie, The Conjuring.

"The only way I'm watching this movie is if we watch the Smurfs after," I pleaded with an agreeing Holland while Crystal and the boys called me a chicken and a wimp. Pfft they can say all they want but I won't be the one begging to sleep with the lights on at the end of the movie.

And so thus it began. Our crazy filled night with candy, popcorn, ice cream, magazines with Harry and my apparent unborn baby, laughing, taunts, pokes, and girly screams that certainly did not come from the females in the room.


So so so so so so so sorry I feel like a terrible person/ writer. I'm disappointed in myself.

If I'm not uploading regularly please comment and say GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND GET TO UPDATING AND PLEASE THE PEOPLE, I won't be mad unless it gets to harsh, ya feel *click* or nah

Brb going to a corner and shaming myself for that last part....

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