Well Why Not

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Well Why Not

Sleep. That's all I can think about. Sleep. I really need it. Sleep. What can a girl do to get sleep!

We checked into the hotel 10 minutes ago, and I really wanted (and planned) to got to sleep. But no, my lovely manager said I must unpack first and get all my things settled in. So here I am stuffing shirts, shorts, and whatever I can find in the drawer.
What? I said I will unpack not how...

2 hrs and 35 min later I am done! I go running to my king sized bed, I am a bed hogger, only to be stopped by a grouchy manager. Seriously..

"What are you doing?" Trisha said

"Well, I was planning to take a nap."

"Well, you can't, sorry." but her smirk said other wise. That bitch

"Well why not!!" Wow I sound like a 5 year old.

"For starters you have to get used to the time difference, and you also have a short meeting with management to meet your co-workers."

"What show am I going to star in anyway?"

"You'll see..." and there is that lovely smirk I've grown to hate even more. This can't be good...

I still had some time before I had to leave so I turned on the t.v in my suite. there is never any good channels on these t.v's. I closed my eyes and chose a random channel, and lucky for me it was the show that i actually was quite fond with. Teen Wolf. I used to be friends with Dylan O'Brien, that plays Stiles, back in New York when we were younger. We became big in "showbiz" and lost touch... and also some other things.

I looked over my phone and noticed I had 15 minutes to get to the office. Rushing out, I slipped on my converse, and grabbed my phone and keys. I stopped at the mirror to look somewhat decent, you know you have to impress the paps. And what do you know, paps right outside. I rushed through them because I was running late, very late, and I couldn't be more late. I hoped into my black rental Range Rover, thanks to my "not so much of a bitch" manager.

I drove to the center of L.A. and parked my car outside the massive building. Running through the doors and straight to the office, already knowing where to go, I knocked once on managements door and walked right in like I owned the place.

"Ahh, Nicole so nice of you to join us." He said not so joyfully.

"Hello Mr. Nixon, it's nice to see you again."

"Yea I'm sure it is..." Mr. Nixon said. Don't you just love our relationship, I bet you do.

"Well why did you call me down to day anyway because I can be taking a nap right about..." I looked down at my wrist, even though there is no watch, and looked back up at him "now."

"Okay fine, we called today to discuss a show to which you will be guest starring in, and if you work well with them, can be a main character in the show." Okay... I like were this is going but what show?

"What show?" I asked curiously.

"Well before I tell you which show I have to tell you that you might become a romantic interest to one of the characters..."

Ohh godd this shall be fun... "Okay fine, what show is it?!"

"Teen Wolf"

Did those words just come out of his mouth!?!? Teen wolf as in the show Dylan is in...

"What?!?! did you just say Teen Wolf!"

"Yes, I know that you have a problem with it but it is out of my hands." Out of my hands my ass...

"You will go down to there studio tomorrow... I must tell you those actors are hard working, you need to work up to their expectation."

"Did you forget who I am... Nicole Rivers, model, dancer, and action movie star." I said boredly... I didn't mean to sound cocky or conceited but Mr. Nixon is the cockiest person ever... Someone needs to set him straight.

With that said I walked out of the office building and walked to my car. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is when it will all happen. I got to the hotel and went to my suite. I ate, watched t.v, got bored , ate again, started worrying about tomorrow, took a shower, ate again, and went to sleep

But I couldn't stop stop thinking about...



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