Worst Day of My Life

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Dylan was saying sorry to Nicole and promised to make it up to her. They are going to go to Nicole's most favorite places.

Worst Day Of My Life

Has he really not let that place go...

Mr. Nixon came by 5 minutes after looking terrified. "Have you guys talked it out yet?"

Besides us, Mr. Nixon knows our situation, he has been around for a long time.

"Stop looking so scared, we talked and so far we are doing okay." Dylan said

"Yea I don't bite," I mumbled, "sometimes."

"Okay, fine I need you, Nicole, to go to the director and get your lines from him, and then go to your stylist so she can get your fitting done."

"Yes Sir!" I saluted and marched out.

Boy, was I glad to be out of that room. Dylan was right, I'm not forgiving him that easily and I'm not planning on going anywhere with him without a bit of a struggle.

There is time to think about that later. For now let me just get to the director and go from there.


After I ran my lines a few times in my dressing room mirror and also with Holland and Crystal I was finally set to go to the stylist.

My stylist's name was Luna. She was a beautiful woman. She had big blue eyes, a tiny frame, and bleached blond hair that was dyed a soft blue. She looked a few years older than me.

"So Luna do you have a husband, kids? Anything?" Leave it to me to get straight to the point.

"Well Nicole if you must know yes I do have a husband and have a 1 year old son," She chuckled, "and it was nice to meet you too," she said teasingly.

"Oh my gosh! Do you have a picture?"

"No, not on me, but he is coming around later."

I have a tiny obsession with babies and anything under the age of three.

After she got me measured and all her son, Blake, came in. He was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I stayed in the dressing room for a bit playing with Blake and talking to Luna.

I said goodbye to the few crew members that I passed as I headed outside.

To my car I shall go.


Once I got to my car, that's when disaster struck. Dylan decided to make an appearance.

"Hey I thought you left ready," I said silently wishing he actually did.

"No I was actually waiting for you to see if you wanted to go to the place?" Oh hell to the no.

"Um... I actually can't right now because I have to practice some lines for tomorrow." Nice save Nicole, nice save. You deserve ice cream for that.

"Oh.... okay see you tomorrow."

"Bye," with that said I got into my car and drove off.

When I got back to my apartment I had a new message from an unknown number.

From: unknown

To: Nicole

Hey. I put your number in to my phone when you were playing with Blake. Hope you don't mind. BTW picking you up at 7:00 so be ready. Xx

This bitch.. Dylan took my damn phone!

Well it's 5:30 now and I have nothing to do so might as well go on this adventure with Dylan.

I took a shower and fishtailed my hair and re-did my makeup. I changed into these light washed skinny jeans, a white plain shirt and put on my red doc martens.

My doorbell rang five minutes after and no other than Mr. Dylan O'Brien stood behind it. Swoon.

"Huh I didnt think you would actually come on your free will."

"Well I might as well get this over with."

"That's the spirit."

We got in to his Range Rover, which is grey (that little stud muffin is stealing my car) and drove off.

We had little conversation about what we were up to in life and simple things like that. I turned on the radio knowing this was going to be a long, awkward ride...

Oh yeah, by the way my "favorite" place in the world is Las Vegas.... How he remembers this, I do not have a clue. When we passed the "thanks for visiting California" I knew he definitely did NOT forget.

This little bitch......


I am so sorry for not uploading any sooner!!

I am just so busy with school and highschool applications and gymnastics that I can barely find time!!

Need I remind you that also doing this on my phone, so sorry for any typos you see and if you see any please comment!



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