Ch. 2: New Student

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I stuff the skateboard in my locker and slam the door close, "Wait, what'd you say?".

"A foreign transfer student is going to spend the rest of his 11th and 12th year here", Rowan huffs as he repeats himself, "Didn't you get my text in the gc last night??".

"Uh..." I rub the back of my neck as I try to remember, "You know what? All I remember is that stupid dank frog meme or whatever you sent last night". I start heading towards homeroom.

Rowan laughs his usual booming and infectious laugh, "Haha! Yeah I remember that, but it was like after that I sent it." He follows after me since we have the same first period class. 

"Oh, yeah no I didn't see it then", I start climbing up the stairs towards the third floor when I'm roughly shoved towards the wall. I swivel my head towards the culprit and only catch dark, purple streaked hair and even darker eyes as they quickly turn a corner.

"Hey, watch it!!", Rowan yells angrily at the already gone individual, "Dude didn't even apologize, jeez. Anyways, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, didn't hurt or anything. You know who that was?", I question as I shoulder my backpack and look up at Rowan's shirt featuring some kind of cat meme. I stopped looking up at Rowan's face in middle school once he was blessed with an insane growth spurt of 6'1 ft. and I was stuck with being 5'6 ft. My neck started cramping after looking up so much whenever I talked to him, he didn't really seem to mind it anyways.

"You don't know Ezra Caddel?? You know, the insanely smart but scary kid? He wears like black everything and dyes different colored streaks in his hair like all the time. He's in our grade dude." Rowan answers in disbelief.

I start climbing the remaining stairs to the third floor and quickly run a hand through my hair, "Oh sorry for not knowing the entire 11th grade student body" I shoot back, slightly out of breath after finally reaching the third floor. 

Rowan bounds up the steps effortlessly saying, "You really need to exercise more dude, that was kinda sad to see," I shoot a glare towards him, "and he's in like almost all the classes we have together, I can't believe you don't notice him, he stands out a bit."

I looked at his shirt, puzzled, "Who?".

"Ezra! You literally have an elephant's memory. Can't remember anything, how sad." Rowan clicks his tongue and shakes his head in mock disappointment.

"Oh shut up asshole", I reply and lightly shove him causing Rowan to laugh, not having the energy to tell him that elephants have excellent memory.  

"But seriously dude, be more aware of your surroundings, you're gonna worry me WayWay~", Rowan mocks while ruffling my hair.

I slap his hand away and roll my eyes, "What'd I say about that dumb nickname?"

"Uh... to use it often?" Rowan says as he opens the door for me. 

I huff and head to a seat near the window, "If I have the brains of an elephant, then you have the ears of a bat".

"Hmm I'm rather fond of bats, so I'll take that as a compliment WayWay~", Rowan replies as he sits at a desk beside me, I roll my eyes in response. 

I ignore him when both our phones vibrate suddenly. We look at each other then take our phones out and look at the gc. It was from Apollo:

Polo: heads up dude

WeebWay: For what??

MemeLord: wait what r we doin?🧐

Polo: prepared lmao 😂 😛

WeebWay: Again, for what???

The classroom's door opens and in steps the most beautiful specimen on Earth. 

"Oh shit" I say as Rowan almost tumbles out of his chair.


For those curious about Rowan's shirt, here's the meme:


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