Ch. 9: Algebra Homework

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Okay, this is super awkward, I thought while assessing the situation I'm in now. Ezra and I were sitting at his kitchen counter, me struggling through the algebra homework assigned earlier today and Ezra sitting across waiting impatiently for me to finish.

"No, you have to solve for h not c, c is already provided," he huffed as I almost frantically erased my mistake, not quite sure where "c was provided". I quickly scan the problem and, getting stumped yet again, ask somewhat hesitatingly, "Um okay, don't yell at me but could you, like, tell me what c is...?"

He looks at me a bit strangely and mumbles something I can't hear, something "don't yell at you" before sighing and suddenly moving over to my side to slightly lean over my shoulder.

"Look," he points at the problem I'm struggling with, "This is c, it's this number here, and you have to add that number into this equation, you get it now?" Ezra sweeps his finger to where he's indicating while still leaning over, causing a red flush to crawl from my neck to my face. I turn away in an effort to cool myself down, don't even think about it Waylen, I silently scold myself as Ezra moves onto something else in the problem I'll probably forget later on, what about Haneul? I mean we're not dating or anything but you know he obviously likes you...but again we're not and never going to be in a relationship...?   

Ezra snaps his fingers, rather loudly, in my face, yanking me out of my mental babbling. "Hey, you got it now? Seemed like you were spacing out or something."

My face flushed again in embarrassment, ugh, and I could only nod, not trusting myself to not say something utterly stupid. He nods and goes back to his seat. I gulp, attempting to calm down and praying Ezra didn't notice my whole face explode, I bite my thumbnail and scribble on my homework.

"Uh you sure you got it Waylen?" Ezra questions, watching me scribble on the paper.

I kind of yelp or utter some sort of weird whine, embarrassing me more and now I could feel my entire upper body grow too warm for comfort, "I-I gotta go take a piss." I announce quickly before rushing off to the bathroom...only to come back to ask where it is.

Ezra looks like he's trying and failing to hold back a laugh, causing me to flush even more now officially irritated, both at him and myself. I huff and glare at him until he regains his composure, "Wait wait, sorry, it's just that", he's about to say something else but thinks better of it, "never mind, but the bathroom's upstairs and to the right."

I narrow my eyes at him one more time and roll my eyes saying, "Thanks, I guess", and quickly head upstairs. I didn't actually need to use the bathroom but just made up an excuse, I mean, if you were in there with me in that kitchen you would want to get out too. Ezra's nothing like how I remembered him from when we were kids. Although, I'm not totally surprised, kids change when they get older, especially as a teenager but, damn. He's like a totally different person!

I close the toilet lid and plop down and rest my head on my hands to let my thoughts settle a bit, but they only overwhelm me as the day I experienced flashes through my mind, the whole date/not date with cute and good looking Haneul, this tutoring session with slightly scary Ezra, my dad and his overbearing attitude lately... and my phone that just won't stop buzzing!!!

I pull out my phone and angrily tap at the screen:

WeebWay: what what what!?!?

Memelord: jeez just wanted to know how ur date was...?

Art_Diva: OMG our Waylen went on a date?? It's been like forever!! Who's the guy??😍

Polo: probably that new guy, he had to "escort" him today, you know, showing the ropes😏

WeebWay: first, it wasn't a date and second, i'm actually supposed to be in my tutoring session rn so if u guys have nothing important to say, shut up and leave me alone🙄

Memelord: aww is our WayWay upset?

WeebWay: . . .I'm leaving.

Art_Diva: Nooo don't leave, we actually have some tea to spill lol😆🍵

WeebWay: ...what is it?

Polo: ok, so u know how we talked about creating a LGBTQ+ club since freshman year? 

WeebWay: yeah...?

Memelord: well, we did it!! 

WeebWay: wait, what?

 Art_Diva: yeah!! Asheville High now officially has a LGBTQ+ club 😁

WeebWay: omg that's so awesome guys!! 💜

Polo: ye, we thought it would be a great early b-day present for you, on top of the other individual presents you're getting from us ofc 😄

Oh shit that's right, my birthday is coming up, how did I forget it?

WeebWay: yeah, it's amazing, you guys are amazing, this is crazy cool. i gotta go now, Ezra the tutor's probably wondering why i'm taking so long in the bathroom.

Memelord: wait why r u in the br? 

Polo: Ezra's tutoring you?? how'd that happen?

WeebWay: details later, anyway cyu guys and thnx so much again! 💜😄

Art_Diva: Ofc!! Take care Way! 💚

Sure enough, as soon as I pocketed my phone and was about to get up from the toilet to go, Ezra knocked on the door. 

"Uh, you okay? You've been in there for a half hour now, you're not constipated or something, are you?" he questions with a slightly apprehensive tone in his voice.

I almost laugh out loud at this and reply, "No no, I'm ok, just needed um... you know what? I'm coming out right now." I open the door and I guess I opened it too hard because I accidentally hit Ezra's face, causing him to back up and slide on a carpeted floor mat that's in front of the door. I trip on the suddenly huge crease on the mat and topple over Ezra who tries to somehow catch me while still holding his nose. We both go tumbling to the floor, me on top of him apologizing profusely and Ezra looking bewildered and in slight pain afterwards.

Why do I keep getting into situations like this?


What an awkward situation, couldn't be me...anyways, thought I should put this in:

WeebWay: Waylen💜

Memelord: Rowan💙

Polo: Apollo🧡

Art_Diva: Artemis💚

(Their message names and fave colors, more will be added as the story progresses)

Hope you guys liked the chapter, have an awesome day/night!!💜

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