Ch. 6: A date...?

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I stare, open mouthed, at this small yet super cute looking cafe. Inside I noticed only one or two customers sitting in some of the various assorted comfy bean bags and couches. I turn to Haneul who had parked and is now pulling the key out of the car's ignition.

"Didn't you move here like a few days ago??" I ask, incredulous.

"Hmm a few days to a week yes, why do you ask?", he slightly tilts his head in adorable confusion.

I clear my throat and look away from him towards the cafe, "How did you find this so quickly when I've never even seen it before?"

He shrugs, "I was bored after unpacking and had some time before school, so I just explored a bit and stumbled on this." His voice takes on a slightly worried tone when he asks, "Is it not to your liking?"

I quickly shook my head, "No no! I love it!! I love all cafes really, they're all so cute and cozy, you know? A-and," I stop myself before going off on a nervous ramble and say in a soft voice, "I really really like this one."

I look up to see Haneul's reaction, thankfully he doesn't look too nervous anymore but I swear his ears are a shade pinker now after my babbling. Before I could see if what I saw was right, he quickly sits up and slides out the car door and jogs toward mine. He opens it with ease and offers his hand to me. I tentatively take it and am gently pulled out of the car.

Haneul opens the cafe door for me and I walk inside and let out a quiet gasp. Although I already spotted the comfy bean bags and couches, I noticed two of my most favorite things. Anime and purple.

While the various cushions and chairs were an array of soft pastel colors, the walls, counter, tables and hanging lamps were a light shade of purple. I look on in amazement as I notice small Bakugou and Deku statues from My Hero Academia standing in fighting positions at the counter, Hinata and Kageyama posters from Haikyuu on one of the walls as if they're caught mid spike in the air, Kaori and Kosei from Your Lie in April frozen in a duet swinging lazily from the ceiling. 

Suddenly, I'm in front of the cashier, leaving me wondering how many other characters were featured around the cafe. A girl with low pigtails at the counter looks to both of us for a second and gives a welcoming smile , "What'll it be?"

I look up at the menu displayed above her and blanch slightly at the unfamiliar menu items. I look to Haneul for help and it's like he knows exactly what I want.

"Ok yeah, can we have an iced matcha latte, an iced americano, and a ddalgi- ddalgi cake?"

The girl taps the orders out in a computer in front of her and hands us a buzzer, "Your order will be ready in about 20 minutes." 

Haneul thanked her and, with me following behind, heads to a lavender table equipped with light blue comfortable looking armchairs. I sit down across from him and fold my arms on the table, my hands laid out in front of me, only now noticing chibi Victor and Yuri action figures from Yuri on Ice dressed in their figure skating outfits in the middle of the table. 

I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but I don't dwell on that thought once realizing how awkward the atmosphere was between us.

"Uh so..." I start and trail off, failing to think of anything else and making things even more awkward.

After some more moments of awkward silence, Haneul suddenly clears his throat, startling me in the process.

"O-oh I am so sorry", Haneul flustered about, waving his hands around.

I quickly shook my head, "No no, don't be sorry, it's ok, what were you going to say?"

He takes a deep breath and says, "Okay, I- I know we have only just met and only through sheer coincidence since I'm new and all, but...", at this he tentatively takes my hand, his hand over mine sending slight tingles up my arm.

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