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I am getting ready upstairs for a meeting with my managers about my music. I have been into music for a while now. It helps me cope with my emotions a lot more than talking to someone. I went downstairs and was looking through the fridge for food. 

Brynn- we have nothing to eat
Josh- there is pastry strudels in the freezer heat up one of those
Brynn- fine but today we are going shopping for grocires 
Josh- fine * he said entering the kitchen from the living room*
Josh- where do you think you are going
Brynn- meeting with the managers see ya
Bryce- have fun kiddo
Brynn- will do 
I walked out the door and drove to my manager's office. Her name is Tammy she is super sweet and kind. I have 2 managers actually I have Michael Gruen the manager of Sway I don't like him but he is good at what he does. Then Tammy is basically my assistant and my manager she coordinates everything and helps me get more followers and new ideas for stuff. 

Brynn- Hey Tammy
Tammy- Hey Brynn so before we get started I just want to warn you Michael is gonna come in and agree to some stuff and talk to you about new things.
Brynn- ok
Tammy- so I know you want to release music but we have a timeline of things. I think it would be best for you to collaborate with a brand. It could be like Morphe or Pacsun anything like that. A lot of people recently have been raving about this brand called LuLuLemon we could try to set you up something
Brynn- oh yea I love Lulu Lemon 
That when Michael walked in
Michael- Hey Brynn
Brynn- hey 
Michael- what have you already discussed 
Tammy- just about some of her timeline and collabing with brands 
Michael- perfect so I think it would be best if you embrassed that dancing side of you. Also, I know your songs are about your emotional health well I think it would be best if you didn't start dating online before your songs go out. It would create buzz if the songs came out then you released your boyfriend. I know you're probably thinking where did I find out and it was from the boys. They told me that you were dating Bryce Parker.
Brynn- sorry but I don't have a boyfriend the boys were probably just messing with you
Michael- oh ok 
Tammy- I will send Lulu lemon the email and once your partnership with a brand comes out you can release music
Brynn- ok thank you

Once the meeting was over I went and drove home. I was pissed they would throw me under the bus like that. Yea so me and Bryce are dating I can't believe they told him. We post on social media together a lot but as best friends.

I stormed in there and all the boys were on the couch playing video games. I unplugged the TV and said

Brynn- which one of you told Michael I was dating Bryce
Blake- I don't know what you are talking about
Brynn- yes you fucking do I told you to keep it on the down-low
Noah- me being the nice guy I will say it was an accident and we didn't directly tell him
Brynn- what do you mean
Bryce- so basically Michael came over when you were at Bryce's and asked where you were we said that you went to a friends house then Jaden came downstairs and said when are you getting back from Bryces and it kinda just came out
Brynn- well he knows so yea and knows he is saying we can't say we are dating till my music releases which is gonna probably be another 3 months. 
Josh- so you are releasing music
Brynn- yes but it is gonna be a while because. I am gonna be partnering up with Lulu lemon and it is gonna be after that releases 
Jaden- omg what you should do since you already have like 10 songs just make a full fucking album
Brynn- I can try 

Brynn Richards ~We have to be a secret~Where stories live. Discover now