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Amelia and I are at the mall shopping. We went to get our nails done and have like a girls' day. I defiantly needed a relaxation day. I have been super busy with my brand deals and photo shoots. Amelia has been really busy too with all of her stuff. While I was getting my nails done my phone started ringing. It was Bryce Amelia who answered it for me and put it on speaker. 

Bryce- hey baby 

Brynn- hey babe

Bryce- I miss you we haven't seen each other all week

Brynn- well you should come over tonight. We can go on a date and then you can spend the night at my house

Bryce- you sure you know how the boys feel about you bringing me over

Brynn- Well Bryce gave me food poisoning so he owes me a favor

Bryce- ok have fun is 3 an okay time for me to pick you up 

Brynn- yes 3 is perfect I have to go but I love you baby 

Bryce- I love you too princess 

Once we got our nails done we drive home. Amelia stayed and got me ready for my date. After I got ready she went to spend time with Blake. I went downstairs and all the boys were down there except Blake. 

Josh- where are you going 

Brynn- I have a date and he is coming over after the date so be nice

Bryce - I am always nice we just like to have fun with him 

Brynn- and you just like to embarrass me 

Noah- we won't say anything mean or embarrassing 

Brynn- you guys need to be like Noah and accept the fact that we are dating 

Josh- I have excepted him but I just don't like the idea of you dating I have never liked your boyfriends

Brynn- well you can start with him

Then I heard a knock on the door. I went over to the door and it was Bryce. I went over to and hugged him. 

Brynn- ok I will be home later
Bryce- have fun but not too much fun
Brynn- shut up

Bryce and I went over to his car. He opened the door for me. On the way to the date, we just talked on the way to the date. We went to this fancy dinner restaurant. It was so pretty it truly felt magical. We got one of the workers to take this picture of us


- fancy restaurants are the best

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- fancy restaurants are the best

User1- are you dating

User2- I ship so hard

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After dinner, we went to the smoothie shop. 

After the smoothies, we went back to my house. When we pulled up we started talking. 

Brynn- I have been really stressed with all of the brand deals. Did I tell you Lulu lemon is partnering with me?

Bryce- impressive 

Brynn- you never underestimate me

Bryce - oh really

Brynn- I can do some amazing things

Bryce- why don't you show me some 

He said as he leaned in I swerved him and climbed into his lap. I slowly leaned in our lips touched and it felt amazing. I put my arms draped over his shoulders. He put his hands on my butt. After a couple of minutes, Bryce started outing his hands under my dress. I slowly slid my tongue in his youth and he did the same. I started unbuttoning his shirt and he pulled away.

Bryce- they are right inside 

Brynn- baby I need you U whispered in his ear

Bryce- tomorrow at my house when they aren't right inside

Brynn- fine
Bryce picked me up on his lap and opened the door. I hopped out and grabbed my phone. When we went inside. We went into the kitchen and the boys were in there. They were talking about a drone.

Brynn- what drone
Bryce- I bought a drone and it has been filming everything in the front and back yard since an hour ago and in the morning we are gonna watch it
Brynn- sounds cool
Noah- do you guys wanna watch a movie
Bryce- sure
Bryce and I went to the living room.  We laid on the love sac together. We watched the movie and fell asleep first. 

In the morning I woke up in my bed next to Bryce. Both of us got up and went downstairs. When we got downstairs the boys were laughing really loudly. 

Brynn- what did I miss
Bryce- nothing
Brynn- tell me 
Josh- you may not want to know
Brynn- say it
Blake-  your little car rendezvous last night if Bryce didn't stop you we would have your sex tape
Brynn- what do you mean
Bryce- we are saying that my drone caught your horny little ass wanting Bryce's dick
Brynn- shut the fuck up stupid
Josh- yea I wasn't really expecting that when we watched the video
Brynn- gross you watched it
Josh- well I didn't know it was on there
I huffed and puffed then went to the kitchen and fixed myself breakfast. Bryce came with me and hugged me from behind. He kissed my neck.

Brynn- that was really awkward 
Bryce- yup but at least we didn't fuck
Brynn- yea that would have been bad. 

Brynn Richards ~We have to be a secret~Where stories live. Discover now