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Bryce and I broke up. We decided we were too different and the relationship was complicated. All the boys supported me in the decision. They were all super comforting. There was a lot of driving late at night and crying this week. There was also a lot of drama on social media because Bryce blocked me on all platforms. So I had to defend myself and so it turned into a blood bath. 




Skip another week

Today all of the boys and I are gonna go on a road trip. We decided to go to Texas. I woke up all the boys and we got set for the road. The entire time I was just editing my new vlog. I have been vlogging a lot lately so I am happy that I am starting to focus more on youtube than just Instagram and Tiktok. I was really craving some Cheese dip from a Mexican restaurant. So I forced them to eat Mexican for lunch they enjoyed it but wanted burgers. 

The seating arrangement

Blake                             Anthony
Quinton         Me               Bryce
Josh               Noah           Jaden 

I was finishing editing and I only had a little bit left. I leaned my head on Quinton's shoulder and finished it. I was so tired plus that cheese dip was so good I just needed a nap. Once I was done editing I laid down with my head on Quinton's chest and my legs swung over his lap. I stayed like that the whole car ride because I fell asleep. 


While she was sleeping the boys started talking.

Bryce- aww look a Bryinton cuddling
Quinton- shut up we arent cuddling
Josh- just face it both of you like each other
Jaden- yea she literally told me and Blake
Blake- shut up dude you weren't supposed to tell anyone
Josh- wait what happened
Blake- basically so after Vinnie and her broke up she was upset and crying she came to my room to talk because I am her favorite. She told me that she broke up with Vinnie because she has feelings for Quinton and she has had feelings since she moved in. I was surprised and didn't know what to say and that made her feel more embarrassed so she went to talk to someone else
Jaden- since Blake blew up her dreams of dating Quinton she came to me. She told me everything and I told her that she should sleep on it and that's all that happened and we know the reason her and Bryce broke up was because of other guys which might as well be Quinton. 
Josh- so basically she dated people to get over Quinton and never has
Blake- yes
Josh- Woah
Bryce- wait hold on she lied to us about the reason she and Vinnie broke up she said it was about hate when it was really about Quinton
Anthony- yeah she did
Blake- you guys have to act like nothing happened or she will get mad at us
Bryce- ok we will

They pulled up to the air b and b and apparently they ordered the wrong one and this one only had 2 bedrooms. Brynn soon woke up from all of the fighting about who is sharing rooms. 

Brynn- why are you yelling *I realized my head was on Quinton's chest and my legs on his I quickly moved and acted as if nothing had happened*
Josh- we ordered the wrong air and b and there is only 2 rooms
Brynn- I can share a room but I refuse to share a bathroom when I am on my period
Noah- there are only 2 bathrooms
Brynn- not my problem 
Bryce- you are gonna have to share a bathroom 
Brynn- don't touch my stuff
Blake- we don't
Brynn- sure you don't 

We decided that 

Bryce, Noah Quinton, and I share a room 
Jaden, Josh, Anthony, Blake share a room

I got in my bed and we decided since Quinton and I already share a bed we will share one now. We decided that we wanted to go to the pool. I went to the bathroom and got changed into this

 I went to the bathroom and got changed into this

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