Chapter 1

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Sunlight shone through the trees as the WaterClan leader padded through the forest alongside the medicine cat. Hollystar-the leader-had been a kittypet named Kitty, but soon joined the clan cats in the forest. She had trained as an apprentice, became a warrior with the name of Hollyberry, and then she was made deputy by the old leader, Silverstar who gave up the last of her nine lives to save her clan from a fox. Then Hollystar gad gone to the moonstone to receive her nine lives and name.

"Are you okay, Hollyberry err... Hollystar? What did StarClan tell you?" asked the medicine cat.

"I'm fine, Snowstorm but... well StarClan told me that something terrible has happened to our clan... and that nothing could have stopped it..." Hollystar meowed.

"Well, I'm sure it's nothing-we'll just have to see" mewed Snowstorm, trying to sound confident, but Hollystar could hear the uneasiness in her voice.

"Wait!" Hollystar stopped and sniffed the air, "I can smell blood! Lots of it!"

"That doesn't just smell like one cat's blood either, it smells like a whole clan could've been wiped out, come on!" Snowstorm raced toward the camp with Kittystar right behind her.

When they reached the camp, Hollystar stared at the clearing in horror. All she could see were dead cats, blood covering the ground and filling the stream that flowed through the camp and the dens were gone. Then she saw Blackpelt stirring beside the body of Spottedpelt, "What happened here?" she demanded.

"Badgers," his meow was full of grief as he stared at his paws, "It was my fault, everyone was listening to me as if I were deputy and I should have told them to run, but I chose to keep fighting."

Hollystar suddenly felt guilty for yelling at him, she rested her tail tip on his shoulder, "It's not your fault, how can anyone expect a brave warrior like you to run from a battle when he's barely hurt?"

"But I could have kept them alive!" he insisted.

"It's okay, cats make mistakes all the time."

He still didn't look convinced but he didn't argue any more, "What are we going to do now? We have no clan any more! StarClan why'd you do this to us?"

Snowstorm disappeared into what was left of the medicine cat's den and came back with a poppy seed, "Here, it's one of the few things I have that survived the attack."

They both watched as Blackpelt licked up the poppy seed and started to yawn

The sun was almost gone when he fell asleep. Hollystar walked over to her den and sat outside, Snowstorm joined her, "Blackpelt's right, Snowstorm! What are we going to do without a clan? I knew I should have waited to go to the moonstone! I could have saved everyone!" she wanted to wail out like a lost kit. She bent her head down in defeat.

"Don't give up yet," a voice meowed. She looked up to see Silverstar sitting in front of her, the StarClan warrior's silver-grey pelt glowed in the moonlight, "WaterClan will survive." she murmured.

"What do you mean?" but the StarClan warrior was already fading away.

"Did you see her?" Hollystar asked

"See who?"


"No, what did she say?"

"She said 'WaterClan will survive' but I don't know what she means."

There was a pause, then Snowstorm meowed, "WaterClan will keep growing."

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