Chapter 8

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"Pass it to me, Oakkit!"

"No! Pass it to me!"

Hollystar was sitting in the clearing, listening to her kits fighting over the moss ball they were playing with. It had been almost six moons since she kitted.

"Come here, little ones!" she called.

"Come on!" Badgerkit complained as they bounded over.

"This is important," she meowed, "you are about to become apprentices, but one of you needs to be a medicine cat apprentice."

"Why?" Firekit squeaked.

"Because there are four of us and four of them mouse-brain," Oakkit mewed.

"I want to be a medicine cat," Dawnkit meowed quietly.

"Are you sure?" Snowstorm called as she approached them, "It's hard work."

"I'm sure."

Hollystar nodded and jumped on the highbranch, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here, beneath highbranch for a clan meeting!" the kits raced over, followed slowly by Snowstorm. Nightfall and Blackpelt emerged from the warriors' den and sat by the highbranch, "We are here to welcome four new apprentices to LightningClan," her mew rang across the clearing, "Snowstorm, I trust you will share your medicine cat skills and wisdom in StarClan with Dawnpaw."

She dipped her head then touched noses with Dawnpaw as the others called Dawnpaw's new name.

"Blackpelt, you will mentor Badgerpaw, share your courage and bravery with him."

He touched noses with Badgerpaw as the clan called Badgerpaw's name.

"It's very rare when warriors mentor their own kits, but we're a little short on warriors as you can see. Nightfall, I hope you share your courage and loyalty with Oakpaw, make his clan proud of him."

Oakpaw padded over to Nightfall and touched noses with him as the clan cheered his name.

"I will do my best to share my skills and loyalty with Firepaw," the clan called Firepaw's name as Hollystar jumped down from highbranch and touched noses with Firepaw.

Snowstorm took Dawnpaw to learn where the best places were to find herbs and Blackpelt took Badgerpaw on a tour of the territory while Hollystar and Nightfall stayed in camp with Firepaw and Oakpaw to practice battle moves.

Suddenly, the words of the prophecy flashed in her mind. Four will save the clan. Does that mean Dawnpaw, Badgerpaw, Oakpaw and Firepaw will save us? But what will they save us from?

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