Chapter 13

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"You're doing what?" Badgerheart exclaimed.

"I have to," Hollystar told him.

"You can't go risking your life for a cat that might be dead," he pointed out.

"Not all Twolegs are evil, so he might still be alive.  And I'm going to find out." She started walking to the camp entrance.

"At least take a warrior with you!" he called from behind, but Hollystar just kept walking.


When she reached the Twolegplace, Hollystar saw an orange tabby cat who looked depressed.  Why does he look so sad?

She walked over to him, "What's wrong?"

The cat jumped as if he didn't notice another cat there, "Oh, nothing," he meowed quickly, "can I help you?"

"I was looking for a certain cat."

"Sadly, I know every cat around here, so who are you looking for?"

"I don't know his name, but he used to live in the forest.  He was a LightningClacn cat," the cat twitched his ears.

He sounded excited as he spoke, "Is his father's name Stripefur?"

Hollystar nodded as the cat said, "My name's Tigerpaw.  I'm Stripefur's son.  I've been waiting for so many moons for some cat to find me."


"I was receiving my warrior name right when the foxes came and attacked the camp," he looked down at his paws, "now I might never get my warrior name."

Hollystar went over to him and touched her nose to his ear, "I'll give you your warrior name when we get to camp."

"So you're a leader?"

"My name's Hollystar, leader of LightningClan."

She started walking in the direction of the camp and she beckoned Tigerpaw to follow.


"Tigerpaw!" Stripefur's excited call startled them as they walked through the entrance.  Stripefur came running over and covered his son in licks, "You're alive!"

"Of coarse I'm alive.  Do you think I'd let those Twolegs kill me?"

I didn't think it would be that easy.  Hollystar went over to the highbranch and jumped up and summoned the clan.  After the cats settled down, she spoke, "As you probably all have noticed, there is a new cat here.  His name is Tigerpaw, He will be staying with us. but before we get him settled, I will give him his warrior name," she heard a few cats argue, saying that we shouldn't trust him yet, but Hollystar silenced them, "He is Stripefur's son, and he was receiving his warrior name as the foxes attacked their camp.  I, Hollystar, leader of LightningClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice.  He has trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and now I present him to you as a warrior in his turn.  Tigerpaw, do you promice to uphold the warrior code, to protect and defend you clan even at the cost of your own life?"

"I do."

"Then by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name.  Tigerpaw, from this moment, you will be known as Tigerstripe.  StarClan honors you courage and we welcome you as a full warrior of LightningClan."

"Tigerstripe!  Tigerstripe!" the clan cheered, but the voice she heard the loudest was Stripefur's.  She jumped down and touched her nose to Tigerstripe's head, and he licked her shoulder in return.

"I might not have known you when you were an apprentice, but I can tell you were the best apprentice in the clan."

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