Chapter 18

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Hollystar woke up with the smell of blood in her pelt.  It had been almost a moon since she first had the dream of her clan being torn apart, and ever since then, she has had the same dream over and over again.  But every time, it got worse.

Nightfall padded into the den and once he smelled the blood, he asked, "Was it the dream again?"

She nodded, "I've had this dream almost every night, and it's getting worse."

He sat down, "You should tell me what it's about," he meowed, "or Snowstorm."

"I know," She looked at her paws.

Just then, Snowstorm and Dawnsky, who was recently made a full medicine cat, came into the den, "What's this about a dream?" Snowstorm questioned.

Hollystar sighed and explained everything about her dreams, "I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a moon."

"If even any of that happens, we need our warriors as strong as possible," Nightfall told her.

She nodded and left the den to call a clan meeting.  She jumped on the highbranch, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" she called.  Nightfall, Snowstorm and Dawnsky were already in the clearing.  Fireblossom and Tigerstripe, who were at the fresh-kill pile, padded over to Nightfall, while Blackpelt, Stripefur, Oaktail, and Badgerheart emerged from the warriors' den.  Hollystar looked at her clan, "Our clan could be in big danger," she explained, "I'm not sure what it is, but I've been having dreams of these dark figures tearing us apart."

"Not all dreams come true," Blackpelt pointed out.

"That is true, Blackpelt," she meowed, "but I've been having these dreams for about a moon, and every time I have them, they get worse."

"What are we going to do about it?" Fireblossom fretted.

"Nightfall, can you take a few warriors out at a time and train with them?" She asked.

He nodded, "I'll do anything to help my clan."

A dark figure appeared at the edge of the clearing.  Oh no!  It walked closer to the cats, "So sorry, Nightfall, but I'm afraid you won't be able to train your warriors."

Every cat turned to face the dark figure, "Treeheart!" Stripefur shouted, "How dare you set paw on our territory!"

"I would prefer you call me Treestar," he spat at the cats in the clearing, "leader of StormClan."

Several cats appeared behind Treestar, who let out a mrow of laughter at the shocked faces of the LightningClan cats.

"Enough talk," he growled.  He looked at the cats behind him, "kill them!"

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