Chapter 6

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About a moon had passed since they arrived at LightningClan's territory, and Hollystar had a light pain in her belly so she went to see Snowstorm. When she got to the medicine cat den, Snowstorm was organizing herbs in the storage cleft at the back of the den.

"Is everything okay?" Snowstorm meowed as she left her herbs and padded over to Hollystar.

"There's a small pain in my belly," she explained, "it's probably nothing, but I just wanted to make sure."

"I'll check, just lie down here," she ordered.

As Hollystar did as she was told, Snowstorm grabbed some herbs and sat beside Hollystar. She put her paw lightly on Hollystar's belly, sniffed, and then put her ear to it.

"You're having kits," she meowed.

She stared in shock at Snowstorm, "But I can't!" she protested, "I'm a leader!"

"Well, I don't think you're breaking the warrior code. After all, there's no rule in it that says a she-cat leader can't have kits."

"But leaders have to be strong to lead their clans!"

"I'm sure Nightfall will help you with that when your kits come."

She still wasn't convinced, but she didn't argue any more, "I have always wanted kits anyway," she murmured, half to herself.

"You should have them in about a moon."

"Thanks Snowstorm," she mewed more happily.

She left the medicine cat den and searched the clearing for Nightfall. She saw him sitting by the fresh-kill pile, eating a vole. She padded over to him.

"I need to tell you something," she meowed

"What is it?"

Hollystar sat down and pulled a squirrel out of the pile, "I'm expecting kits."

"I thought you didn't want kits to interfere with your work."

"You think I chose to have these kits?" she snapped, "Sorry, I'm just... tired. But it doesn't matter whether I wanted kits or not, I'm expecting them in about a moon."

Nightfall touched Hollystar's ear with his nose, "I'll be the best father and mate any clan has ever seen before."

When he started to pad away, Hollystar called after him, "Can you do one more thing?"

He turned back to her, "What's that?"

"When I move to the nursery, can you take over as leader until I'm fit to do it again?"

He dipped his head and started padding to the warriors' den. Hollystar started yawning and padded to her den to get some sleep.

When she knew she was dreaming, she looked around for any StarClan cat, but there was no cat to be seen.

"Silverstar?" there was no answer.

I just need one question answered. Instead, she found herself waking up to dawn. Is StarClan mad at me?

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