Chapter 3

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After a few days of travelling, they came across a clearing that was already surrounded by a thorn barrier.

"It seems like a clan territory," Hollystar meowed.

"Didn't Silverstar tell you about LightningClan?" Snowstorm asked.



"They used to live near us but the same thing happened to them, they were forced out of their territory just like us," Blackpelt interrupted in an irritated voice, "come on, don't mentors teach their apprentices any more?"

Snowstorm glared at him, but stayed silent. They walked to the centre of the clearing, "Flamestar!" Snowstorm called. There was no answer, but a black Tom appeared out of what looked to be a warriors den.

"He's gone," the black cat rasped, then his voice grew more hostile, "and what are WaterClan cats doing on my territory?"

Blackpelt took a step forward and dipped his head, "Greetings Nightfall," he meowed, "our camp was attacked by badgers and... and everyone died but us"

"Why does that concern me?" Nightfall retorted "If you think you can live here, you better think again. Whether or not we're the only cats left, we're still in different clans!"

"We're not here for trouble," Blackpelt reasoned, "if that's what you want, then we'll go."

"Good!" Nightfall spat, "And don't come back or I'll rip your fur out!"

Hollystar gestured with her tail for Snowstorm and Blackpelt to follow as she exited the thorn tunnel. As they got closer to the scent markers that marked the territory, they heard a yowl of a cat and the yapping of an excited dog. Immediately, they ran back to the clearing and saw Nightfall standing face-to-face with a dog.

"Get back mange-pelt!" He snarled.

But it was too late for any cat to do anything. The dog charged at Nightfall and knocked him off his paws. Hollystar raced at the dog and raked her claws down its side. It let out a yowl of pain and turned on her, but Blackpelt was behind it and bit deep into its tail. When the dog tried to turn and snap at Blackpelt, Hollystar scratched its nose. It turned back to her, not even bothering about the teeth still fastened in its tail, and bit down hard on her neck before running off toward the twolegplace.

Hollystar fell over panting, the bite on her throat oozing with blood.

"Why'd you come back?" Nightfall hissed, "I could have taken on that mange-pelt single-pawed! Now one of your clanmates is going to join StarClan!"

"She's in the paws of StarClan," Snowstorm meowed, "hopefully they'll give her back to us." She started licking the wound and then put some moss on it to stop the bleeding.

"She's your leader?"

"Yes-Hollystar is her name" Blackpelt answered.

The rest of the conversation was blocked out as she found herself standing in the ranks of StarClan. Am I dead? She screeched silently.

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