The Princess Bride

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Veronica had called Martha and set up what time they'd be there that night. They both got their things together, checked out of the hotel, and met out in the parking lot at Veronica's car. Bud surprisingly didn't have one. He'd been renting and hitchhiking everywhere, walking if he had to.

But because of his odd living situation, he luckily doesn't have much to carry around. Just some clothes, a book or two, and the little cash he did have that he usually earned working odd jobs. It was enough to get by and that's all he cared about. He didn't know what friend Veronica was taking him to but he was sure it wasn't going to be anyone he knew. No one keeps up with their friends from highschool so he thought he was in the clear. The stupid asshole.

Veronica played the radio on their car ride instead of talking which seemed odd for her. He always remembered her not liking silent car rides. Slowly he started realizing a lot of what he remembered about her was only taken from one or two instances picked specifically by his brain to form the best version of her and of their relationship for him to remember. The nostalgia blocking his brain from how bad their relationship was and how he never really.. cared. He felt horrible. She always seemed so eagar to spend time with him or to help him and he just- didn't care. About her or anything. He was a really shitty boyfriend.

He became so embedded in his own thoughts he didn't even realize they had arrived at Veronica's friend's house. Veronica looked over at him, "you alright? We're here."

He snapped out of his train of thought and looked at her, "Oh- yeah, just thinking. You sure your friend doesn't mind me staying too?" He asked, worried all of a sudden that he was once again intruding on her life. "Oh she won't mind, she's sweet. Cmon now before her husband gets home and kicks our asses out." She joked as she stepped out of the car and grabbed her things. Not waiting for Bud to begin walking up to the door.

Jason ran after her, backpack in hand, anxiety sweat dripping down from his forehead. When he caught up, Veronica was already at the door obsessively ringing the bell until a woman answered the door, screaming like a 14 year old girl and hugging Veronica like she hadn't seen her in years. She was a heavy set brunette woman with wavy hair to her shoulders and rounded square glasses. After their high bitched scream fest had ended, Veronica gestured towards Jason. "Martha, this is my friend Bud that I said would be coming with me. I hope you don't mind, he really needs a place to stay."

"Of course, its lovely to meet you." She shook Bud's hand and helped them take their things inside.

Martha? He remembered that name. If he'd known the friend they were staying with was one he had interacted with and gotten photos and information from he would've stayed at that damn hotel. He was pissing himself.

➻ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ || ᴀ ᴊᴅʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ғɪᴄ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora