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Veronica Sawyer had arrived to Sherwood, Ohio for her grandfather's funeral about a week ago. Hell, the funeral was already over but her mother had convinced her to stay home longer since she'd been travelling so much. The truth was, Veronica wanted nothing to do with Ohio in general since what happened in highschool with you know who and you know what. She didn't even like saying his name. Betty, Mac, and Martha don't mention it because they know how she down spirals when she thinks it.

It was currently 9pm at her parents' house and she honestly felt a little trapped. Her friends had all been wrapped up in their own personal lives at the moment, so she was there listening to her mother tell her and her father the same story she'd told them both at least 50 times before. Eventually she just stood up and said "I promised Betty I'd go help her with something earlier, I'm already late. Sorry, love you, bye!" As she ran out the door with her purse.

She drove back to her hotel, running up to her room and just dropping on the bed. Groaning. She felt a little bit better when she remembered seeing a bar downstairs. Nice ass bar havin hotel. She read the little binder on the desk to figure out the exact location and grabbed her wallet. Just the wallet. She didn't need some drunkard stealing her purse.

Veronica left her room and went to the floor with the bar, sitting down and ordering a margarita. It was lovely to get out of her parents' house. She wished she could get her friends down here with her, but they all had lives. And here she was only in town because her grandfather died. She had a job out of state as a journalist for forensic cases. Kinda ironic if you think about it. But everyone knew her as the chick who's boyfriend exploded in highschool. Even out of state. Apparently news travels fast and outwards.

It had been a few hours and honestly her night had been going great so far, she was tipsy and happy and talking to some chick who'smom knew her mom. And then she saw it. Maybe it was just the alcohol messing with her vision. But she could've sworn she could see someone who looked way too much like her highschool boyfriend. Like, exactly like him. The man looked like you know who with a small bit of facial hair, in a dark blue button down shirt over a Big Fun tshirt that looked like it had seen much better days and torn blue jeans.

"Jason?" She mumbled to herself. The girl she'd been talking to had left with her boyfriend by now. And she just kept staring at Mr. No Name That Looks Like A Dead Guy. Eventually she's almost sure he probably sensed her staring like a tipsy weirdo. And he looked up to see her. His eyes meeting hers. He looked exactly like Jason.

She honestly just thought she was being delusional. Until the guy stared at her like a frightened deer watching an eight wheeler charge towards it and running out of the bar. Out of fight or flight. She just ran out after him, trying to catch up while trying to not look like a crazy drunk woman running after a grown man she doesn't know.

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