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Night had fallen and Adonis Cassidy wasn't back in Japan.

Not too much to worry about yet, after all Adonis had been whisked onto the next available plane from Rio. However, the main problem here wasn't the fact that their leader was missing. It was time. Waiting for the news on their fate was taking a painstakingly long time.

The hours on one of many clock faces that littered the interior wall had all since seemed to stand still to Eclipse, who were currently bundled inside Vulcan's apartment overlooking Yokohama from Kasagawa island.

Tokyo, 11.27pm.
Auckland, 3.27am. 
Johannesburg, 4.27pm.
London, 2.27pm.
New York, 9.27am.

Tick, tick, tick.

Minutes the same but hours apart. These were all five significant places to Vulcan, the noise the clocks were making all pissing the group off more than ever.

"Mr Vulcan, are you sure you don't need any more clocks?" Mitzi had asked as she'd first entered the condo, shoes and coats all left by the door. She'd first entered without removing her now dirty whites, it was one tired look from Vulcan that sent her straight back to the door. His intuition on the girl learning customs before arriving were short lived, but at least she'd lasted longer in expectations than Ara and Raiden ever did.

"Please, just call me Vulcan" he'd smiled as he walked past her. Anyone who'd spent enough time in the public eye always knew how to fake the most beautiful smile, one that would certainly hide the torment underneath. Even in the most dire circumstances.

It was a clearer night compared to yesterday, the city lit up in a vast rainbow of colours that reflected upon the sea. Vulcan had been lucky from the start bagging a penthouse, much like Adonis. Raiden and Ara swore it was favouritism.

Vulcan knew otherwise.

Raiden hadn't left his perch, curling himself up small on Vulcan's sofa under the window. Staring blankly out of the window, thoughts swirling in his mind as planes flew overhead. He hadn't acknowledged the clocks on the wall, he never did. As much as he was adventurous, the young rider never saw the point of having the time shown in any other city where he wasn't. It only reminded him of how chained down to society they were.

Despite having the most exhilarating, gravity defying job, there would always be something that would leave them plummeting back down to earth.

Droning filling the room, the bright lights inside dimmed by the homeowner to set the gloomy mood. Raiden wasn't the only one encased in thought, Vulcan was in a silent battle of his own.

Vulcan knew that Chester had found out the results of the meeting. The results of their status, whether they'd still be the world wide renowned Eclipse tomorrow morning.

Obviously the news would get their claws on the answers first, they always did after all. The world was waiting impatiently, like a lion waiting to pounce on its prey. For the people who this news would actually impact, this was just one big horrific waiting game.

"I'm taking a shower, shout me if anything bad happens" Ara broke the silence, striding through the apartment. Her bones were aching from sitting around all day- Ara more than anyone hated waiting. They'd all be a lot more relaxed once they'd heard the news.

"Anyone for coffee? This'll be a long night" Vulcan muttered the last part of the sentence, gaining a small nod and skill off Mitzi and absolutely nothing off Raiden.

"Is he okay?" The girl asked as she wandered behind the counter, leaning on it as Vulcan's coffee machine clanked to life.

"He's not taking it well as you can see" The older male didn't even turn around, his attention far more fixated on the colourless coffee rather than Raiden. What could he say to him anyway?
Everything would be okay?

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