Good Bye

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This is how it ends, me lying on the hard, cold ground. As i touch my chest and peer at my hand it is dripping a worm, red liquid. Is that blood? All I remember is walking home from school and hearing a loud bang then I am here. What happened? I wonder, I can't move my body. I feel my energy fading. Well I guess I see heaven sooner. I see a weird light, what is that? I feel like I am slowly fadding, her I come. I peer back at the light, but it is not  a light, it is a person. Oh, it must be the ambulance. They have come to get me. I wonder who called it in. They have come to get me, but I feel it is to late. I hear a voice, it sounds as if they are talking to me. I try to respond but nothing. I have lost to much blood. I just lie there and listen to the voice. You know what I must be dreaming. None of this is real, I will wak up any minute to my alarm clock and get ready for school. But that is the funny thing I don't remeber getting home from school, just heading home. I don't remeber seeing my mom when I walked in the house. I don't remeber opening the door or even getting to my street. Wait, could all of this be true, could I really be dying. My chest is hurting, stinging. I guess I really am dying. I could still hear the voice. It was saying something simular to 'heal her', but it didn't sound english. I felt a shiver go up my body, almost as if something entered me.The voice is not silent. I try to look around but I don't see anything. Good job, Katie, you are dead now. I don't feel dead, can you feel dead. Well if I am not dead, am I a ghost. Yep, I am a goast. I mean energy can not be creater nor destroyed, I learned that in science, my teacher would be so proud. As everything goes blurry, all I can think of it who was that voice and where did it go.

"Mr. Striken did my daughter leave school....well ok thank you. Pick up, pick up. Luke did you pick up your sister from school, she is not home yet....ok let me call your dad. Patrick did Katie come by your work after school....are you sure, she is not home....I am going to call 911. Bye.....Hello my daughter had not come yet from school. It ended 30 minutes ago....What do I need to do....she has drown hair, green eyes, 14 years old. She is wearing a long-sleve purple shirt with black jeans and white high-tops. She is 14 and is about 5 foot, please find my daughter, please.....thank you so much. Her name is Kathren Lee Miles"

Monarch ShimmerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora