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We just entered doors to the doctors office. The lady looked up from her dest and Carter asked to see his dad. She noded and slowly got up to open the door. We walked in and there was a normal doctors office set up and the lady said,"just wait here, your dad will be here soon." she laft and Carter turned to me to say," don't be scared, my dad is a really good doctor. HE just wants to make sure you are ok." I am not scared, just really confussed, why is everything so different. The door opened and a middle ages man opened to door and walked in,"Hi, I am Dr. John Davis. WHat seems to be the problem miss." He looked at me then turned to Carter, he shrugged his sholders. He looks fumilur and keeps looking at me like he knows me. "Hi, my name is Kathren." He keeps staring, I don't like being watched or stared at. "Kathren Lee Miles" He starts laughing," is this supposed to be a joke, Kathren died in an acsident 21 years ago." I grow even more confussed, I am not dead. Dr. Davis and Carter looked at me supprised, I yelled that out loud. I just want to go home non of this make any sence. I stand up and look at Carter,"I would like to go home now, please." He looks at his dad and nods, Carter looks at me," Kat are you sure your ok, where is your house, I will take you home." I shake my haed," I can take myself, thank you for your help and sorry for the trouble I caused." I left and started my walk home. My mom is probable so worried about me. I walk down my street but I don't see my house. There was nothing there, what happened to my house, where did it go? My house was right here. It is gone, what do I do now, where is my family. I sit down on the sidwalk and hug my knees. Do I go back to Carter? not he is prabably mad at me, he wouldn't help me. I yelled at him. I hear footsteps aproch me, I hope the person just ignors me. "Kat, why did you run from me. I was just trying to help." It was Carter, gosh he has such a kind heart, he makes me feel safe. I look up at him,"hey Carter. Why did you follow me." that came out harsher them I ment it to. He looked at me with a read tent to his cheeks. Then he smiles," you didn't answer my question Kat." what am I supposed to say. I don't know, don't understand. Your father said I was dead, and it upset me. If someone said you were dead but you know you are alive, you would be upset. So I lied,"I just needed some fresh air." "Kat I know you are upset but just know you can tell me anything and I will be here for you." did he really just say that, he must really see something in me. He doesn't even know me but is already there for me when I need him. I get up and turn to him," Thanks for understanding. I know this will sound crazy but my home is not were I left it. It used to be right here." he smile and looks into my eyes,"it is ok, we will figure in out, you can stay with me and some friends. If that is ok with you."

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