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He explained to us it wasn't fircausing all the smoke. Carter asked if it was a person that was causing all the smoke. Twin said," it must be a new villian. He sayed his name is Ash. He can, from what I can tell, can control smoke. He might even be able to creat it." Carter looked suprised," not many have been able to do that before most of the time just fire elementals are supposed to be able to do that and energy elementals but there is only one of those right now.. What does Max have to say about all of this." He just looked off into the distance," ask him yourself." I could see Max getting closer and he landed kind of harder then normal. I scanned his body, his wing looked injured. He stood up straight," the boy came out of nowere and hit my wing." he folded them behind him and they dissapeared. Carter asked what happened. Max responded saying," it was like he was smoke, just here then there. He would just pop out of nowhere. I could never catch him, it was hard enough to just see him. I am afraid I wont be able to help much more." Carter started pacing. He was thinking. He suddenly turned to me," Kat, you went invisable. Do you think you could do it again. Then when Ash goes to get Max, sorry but your bait Max, Kat can grab him. Iwould be right there and we could trap him. " we all nodded our heads but twin asked," what do you need me to do?" Carter says," we need you to make sure no people are in harms way in the area Ash is in." He nodded and we all took off twords the smoke and Ash. "Ok Kat now." I turned invisable and grabed Max's arm so he knew I was there. He jumped even though he knew it was just me. He and I walked into the smoke. Max wispered to me," there he is?" I let go of Max and positioned where I could grab him. It got really quieted and I waited. All of a sudden Ash jumped out to hit Max, I grabed his wrist. "Carter now." An air buble formed around me and Ash so I relised him. He started yelling," who are you, what do you want?" We ened up taking him back to Carter's building. They were all sitting in the living area of Carter's apartment. Ash was looking around, they had put some braclets on his wrist so He could not use his powers. Carter started asking questions," so...Ash, correct." Ash nodded his head. Carter continued," I am Carter and this is Max. Jayson was the name of the other boy with us. Katie is around here somwhere." Ash looekd around again," where is she. You know what never mind. Man look I just want to go home. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I had no idea what was happening. I woke up this morrning and everything was fine. I sware every thing I did was not on purpose." Max spoke up in a solt voice," you know it is getting late. Ash needs to get home. He is young and we don't want his parents to fret. He can just come back by tomorrow. Does that sound good for everyone?" Ash nodded and left. What a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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