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It is finally morning and all I can think about is the dream I had last night. I walked out of my room and into the living area. Wow, Carter cleaned last night, it looks nice. He doesn't seem to be up yet, must have stayed up late last night cleaning. I better be quiet then, try not to wake him. I am alittle hungry, he wouldn't mind if I got something to eat would he. Well he is going to have to deal with it. Lets see what kind of food he has, ooo....he has icecream and it is vanilla too. I am starting to wonder if this is fates doing. We can not just happen to be alot alike. I get a spoon out of the kitchen and go to living room to sit on the couch. I look out the window and eat the icecream. "Kat, are you eating icecream, it is to early for that." I just nod my head becasue I have a mouth full of icecream. He comes around and sits next to me,"I didn't know you likes vanilla." I just nod my head again and say," it is accually my favorite." he smiles,"mine too. I was wondering what you wanted to do today. We can go get something for your room, or we could just go on a walk, or we could just stay here and watch movies." I do want to go get some things for my room but something tells me I souldn't leave. He turns to me,"my dad has to work but my mom is off today and she would go with us." I think for a minute,"Carter, I don't feel myself, something feels off about today, but I will do what ever you would like to do." He looks out the window as if looking for something, it is like he is always ready for something. "Kat to be honest, I just want to stay here. We can watch movies and order some food. I could invite some friends if you wanted to do that. We could play some games, I have tons in my closet." He gets up to go get something but turns back to look at me. He has is eyes fixed on something behind me. He makes a confused face and asks,"what is on you back." I tilt my head,"what are you talking about Carter." He points to the wall and says look. I turned around and looked in the mirror, what I saw was not what I expected huge purple wings. Where did they come from? What is going on? Where did I get wings? "Carter, what is happening to me, you do I have wings." He looks like he understude what was going on,"what have you been doing lately Kat? Where did you get them? Are you a mutant?" I shake my head. Am I a mutant, I am not a mutant. He pulles out his phone and starts scrolling,"what are you doing Carter." He looks up for a minute,"don't worry Kat, I have a friend who can help you."
(Carter=C and Katie=K)
C-Hello, Hey....I need some help...a friend....just come to my apartment...thanks
K-CArter, who are you calling
C-I told you some one that can help you
K-Please don't tell you called your dad, I don't think he can help with this
C-Kat, calm down, I did not call my dad. My friend can help you with you wings
K-Are we sure they work
He turned around but stopped and looked around then to the door,"Kat, they are here. Where did you go." who are they? how can they help me? Can I trust these people? I mean Carter trust them and I trust Carter so I should be able to trust them right?

(this is what I imagin her wings to look like, it should have an image if not imagin how you would like)

Monarch ShimmerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon