His Place

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"Sorry I don't usally have people other then Jason over because he stays here most of the time. Ok, Kat just make your self at home." His apartment is a mess, well not to bad just stuff everywhere on the conters. How old is he anyway? I am not sure about this, but I am sure I can trust him, it is just a feeling I have. Plus it is not like I have anywhere else to go, I guess I am stuck here. His apartment is big, it has three rooms. One is his and I am guessing the other one is Jason's. There is a nice living area and kitchen."Kat, you can have that room. It doesn't have much in it but you can use it. The other is Jason's but he shouldn't be back till next week. He left to go visit a friend." I walk in the room and see a bed, there was a desk and chair. It wasn't bad. There was even an old dresser. Maybe I can get some things to make it my own because I feel like I will be here a while. Carter can to the door way," are you hungry Kat. I was going to order some pizza. What kind do you like." I have not had pizza in a while," um I do not care what kind you get." He nodes and leaves out for a minute, to only come back in a few minutes later,"hey since tomorrow is saterday, why don't we get some things for your room." I shrugg,"sure" we go out and sit on the couch he sudenly turns to me and smiles,"my dad says he has a feeling about you, he seems to like you. He said you remind him of one of his friends. He and my mom says you can stay aslong as you need." wow even after what I said and he doesn't even know me. "thanks." I say with a blush. Soon the food arives and we eat and watch tv. Before I could stop it,"I don't know what to do Carter." He looks at me confussed. "what do you mean? are you ok" My chest hurts and my eyes start watering,"am I dead?" He looks paniced,"what are you talking about, you are talking crazy. Are you ok, do I need to go get my dad?" I shake my head," No, I am just tired. I am going to hit the hay. See you tomrrow, good night Carter." "Good Night Kat." I walk in the room and lay down something about this feels so familiar.

Is this a dream? Am I dreaming, I can see myself. I am on the ground just laying in the allyway. I can feel what I am feeling. I feel the pain in my chest, the dought of life. What is happening, there is the light I remeber it. I thought it was someone not jsut a flying orb. The voice I heard, it was coming from the light, the orb. It was tlaking to me. Then the light disapeared and the sceen changed. I see my parents at the hospital in a waiting room. I can feel their sadness and pain they feel as the doctor shakes his head.

I bolted up in bed, it was a dream. I must have made a noise because Carter came rushing in the room."what happened, are you ok?" He starts scannig the room for any danger btu finds none and turns back to me,"I am fine Carter, it was just a nightmare. I will tell you about it tomorrow." He nods slowly then leaves the room. That was the weirdest dream almost like a memory but I couls feel everyone around me not just my self. Almost like it wasn't my memory.

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