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A/N: I actually like this. It's not the best, but I like it :)

I knew I had to leave. It was the only way to keep us both safe. But in doing so, I would break him, and me, for that matter. But it's for the best, right? I mean, I could either see him get killed, knowing I could have done something, or I could leave and keep him safe. Tough, but I knew the better choice.

"I have to go" I let out. My head dropped as the tears started

"Why?!" He replied. I could sense his own eyes watering

"It's for the best" the tears slowed, but kept going

"B- but," he stuttered "I can't let you leave," he paused. "I love you"

My head shot up. The tears stopped. I felt my heart beat getting faster with every breath.

I'm so stupid! I knew he liked me, from the first night. But he actually LOVES me! Now that he said it, I realise I love him too. Could this get any worse???

I stare at the ground. I can't do this. But I have to!!! Ahhhhhhh, this is killing me! Ok, I'm doing it. I'm keeping him safe.

"I told you not to get to close. You ignored that" I said harshly.

With that said, I turned on my heel and walked away, not giving a backwards glance. As soon as I was out of site, I fell to the ground and let the tears pour. Why did I do that?!?

Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora