English Short Story

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We had to write a short story in English the other day using the prompt "The wave arched above my head and consumed the sky" and this is what I came up with...

I saw my life flash before my eyes, like a wave arching above my head and consuming the sky entirely. It felt like I was drowning, like I was being thrown around. It made me feel sick. I could hear the noise around me, but there wasn't a sound. It was like the world was dead to me. Or maybe I was dead to the world. Slowly, everything faded, nothing was happening anymore. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. There were no sounds, no noise, nothing.

I didn't want to go like this. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't leave my brothers, my sister, my mum and dad, not like this. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I felt the need to cry, but I couldn't feel tears; I couldn't even feel my eyes. I could feel my throat though. It hurt from the screaming in my mind. The screaming that said I was capsizing, and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Quiet. Like silence, but not really silent. That's what was around me now. I was being moved, but I wasn't moving. Everything was quiet, but I could hear the air, the oxygen. It was whispering to me. A slow beeping started, loud, then getting softer. Suddenly a sharp pain overcame me. I didn't know where it came from, or why, but it was there and it was hurting me. It was almost too much to bear, but I wasn't just going to give up. I wasn't going. Wasn't leaving.

The urge to stop was taking over. I screamed. At least I tried to scream. I WASN'T GIVING UP! I would never stop fighting. But it was so hard. So very hard. I fought for what felt like forever. It was constant; it never stopped. The pain was increasing, becoming too much to bear. Then I saw it. The tunnel. The bright light. I ran as fast as I could, not toward it, but away. I was not going to be dragged to it. I was not going to give in. But it was sucking me towards it. I reached out to grab something, anything but my hands fell through the seemingly there walls. I skidded along the tunnel, resisting the pull. I could hear the beeping growing fainter and fainter with every metre I lost.

Without my consent, my body passed through, into the light. I could feel everything again, my hands, my feet. The pain seemed to have stopped. And so did the beeping. I opened my eyes and tears suddenly fell down my cheeks. Even this I couldn't stop. But it felt nice. I could live like this forever. I walked deeper into the white room, looking back just once. And when I did, I was met with a terrible sight. The tunnel I had just been pulled through was closing up. It was disappearing. My now visible eyes widened and I sprinted as fast as I could, turning against the will to keep going further in. it was shutting and i knew this was it. A loud beeping entered my ears. I could hear something again. I could hear my breathing. I was tired. I wanted to sleep. But I was not going to stay trapped in this room for good. The tunnel appeared to get further and further away with every step, and it felt like I was running so slow, it seemed almost dreamlike. But eventually I reached the hole and squeezed through, just before it closed. The beeping came back and it was getting louder too. I could once again not feel my body. The pain was back, but not as intense.

I felt, soft. But there was a stab too, like a knife was sticking out of me. Slowly, my eyes opened and I noticed there was indeed some sort of sharp object sunk into my chest. It hurt to breathe. My eyes darted around the blurry room but I couldn't make out anything. I could definitely feel the softness of... an object. It was calming and comforted me. Then something opened and I heard voices, real voices. They flooded into my ears, like a song being sung by a siren. It was melodic. I lifted my head up to gain more information, but there was no strength in my... neck? It instantly fell back and I lost consciousness once again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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