No Emotions

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I was born without emotions. I know it sounds weird, but it's true. My entire life, I've never felt anything. No joy, no love, never admired anything. Nothing. And it sucks. I see emotions all the time, but I never feel them.

When I was 9 my parents decided to make a donation box where people could donate emotions. I usually got the unwanted ones like sadness and and fear. For 4 years now, all I've felt is sadness and fear. I've been scared everyday, and I would just break down randomly. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to nothing.

One day, I stood on the street corner, with my box and sign asking for emotions. People came by and dropped off the bad ones. They walked by, looked down at my box, then dropped off those sucky emotions and walked away happy.

As I stood there, I notice a boy approaching. He looked around my age, maybe a year older. I noticed the happiness dancing in his eyes as he softly hummed something. He got closer and closer to me, then stopped. He looked at my box and asked what is was for.

I replied with, "I was born without emotions. My parents decided to create a box where people could give me their emotions."
He smiled, I just continued frowning

"That's cool!" He said excitedly

"Not really," I grumbled

"Oh, why not?" He questioned

"Well, all I'm ever given is the unwanted ones, like sadness and fear. I've never been happy" I stated

I saw the happiness in his eyes leave. And with that he looked at the box and turned around, barely whispering an "I'm sorry"

I sighed. Will I ever get happiness? I thought.

I turned around to go home and noticed a yellow glow coming from in the box. I opened the lid and saw a little floating spark. I dropped the box and sat by it I looked curiously at the glowing ball. I had never seen this thing. It started to circle my head, then entered my mouth.

My eyes grew wide as I smiled for the first time in my 13 years.

A/N: Not sure if I liked how this turned out, but... whatever :)

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