With you...

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I feel, I can't explain

"Arrrrggghh" I sigh and scrunch up that piece of paper. How do I word this?! I grab a new piece of paper and try again

With you, I'm happy. I act different, in a better way

That's a good start... maybe?

With you, I can drop the fake smile and put on a real genuine one

My mind just goes crazy, my stomach does flips I didn't even know were possible. And I can't get him out of my head.

I don't feel hurt or alone. I feel safe and loved.

But I know he doesn't feel the same way, and that hurts.

I don't ever feel sad, you show that you really do care and you're not just pretending.

I know it's cliche, but once you find that one person who actually cares, you feel that warmth and love grow. It feels so good.

I appreciate what you did. Because with you I'm different

I think...

With you, I'm happy

...I'm in love

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