Mind Reading

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Girls POV

I've been able to read minds since I was 5. I don't know why, but it's just something I can do. Now I'm 15. My entire life - from 5 - I've been "eavesdropping" on everyone's thoughts. It's been awesome. AND, no one knows!

I never really said anything about it.  Oh, except for that one time, I told one of the mean girls in my grade 4 class that I could read her mind. I did. She's always been scared of me ever since. It's great

But this one day, I was walking down the main street, noticing everyone's thoughts. And I stopped on this one particular boy. I noticed he was hurting. His mind had tears if that makes sense. He was thinking... about how he just lost his little sister - what?? I stood and watched a little longer and realised she had just died.

After a good two minutes I knew the whole story. He had taken his 7 year old sister to the library and on the way home, they were crossing a road and she ran out in front of him. A yellow SUV came a hit her. Bro, that's tragic. Even worse, he thinks it's his fault! Oh man, I gotta help this dude

As I start walking towards the bench he was on, he noticed me. I got closer and closer till I was about 3 feet away. I had noticed his thoughts a couple seconds ago, he was confused as to why I was coming towards him. But what confused me was that he seemed to know what I was thinking. Wait, whatttttt?????

I sat down and stared at him. He stared right back.

"What are you doing?" he finally asked

"Shhhhh, I'm figuring something out"

Boys POV

As I stood in the street, I could feel this girls eyes boring into me. I pretended not to notice, but it was hard. So I thought back to my sister. My sister, she was only 7! Why did she have to go so soon?!? I recounted the events that had happened that week.

We had gone to the library. We spent a good hour there, reading together. On the way home, she ran out in front of me, I tried to grab her but it was too late. She was already half way across the crossing. I thought she was gonna make it all the way. I didn't notice the yellow SUV speeding over the hill. It hit her. She fell. It was all my fault.

I shook back to reality and found myself sitting on her favourite bench.

Then that girl started walking my way. I noticed her trying to figure something out, but my brain wasn't processing properly. She sat, and stared. I stared back.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked

"Shhhhh, I'm figuring something out" she whispered

Okayyyy, she's weird. Then I figured something out. I observed her thoughts. Why was she thinking about my sister? How did she know about my sister? What the heck?!?

"How do you know about my sister?" I asked suddenly

"How do you know I know about your sister?!" She shot back

"Well, I.. ummm, I can... um... sorta-"

"Wait!" She cut me off "Can you read minds too?!" Woh, this girl is weird!

"Pfffff- wha-  why?" I stuttered. "Yea I can" I gave in.

She looked at me asking a question without speaking. I didn't want to answer it. I barely knew this girl I didn't need to tell her about my sister.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I whispered. Nobody knew about what happened, not even my best friends. Nobody from church, only my parents, and I wanted to keep it that way. I didn't want anyone to know it was my fault. I started crying.

Third person POV

The girl placed her hand on the boys shoulder and whispered "it's ok. You'll be ok. Everything's going to be ok"

"NO IT'S NOT! She's gone and it's all my fault" he cried "Just leave me alone. Please" He got up and walked away, tears still streaming down his face. As he crossed the road the girl could see he was panicking. He turned a corner and looked back.

'I'm sorry, I just need space. I'll see you around though' he thought and the girl smiled

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