Chapter 7

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I woke up to lots of footsteps coming my way. I opened my eyes and saw all of the Carriers and Nate. "There she is! She's mine!" I heard Clide yell, he was the boy from 2, he has brown hair and blue eyes, he was heavy built with a lot of muscles. I jump up and climb out of the water as they get in and run after me.

Once I was on land I ran as fast a I could. I heard them all running behind me, but they were a good ways away. I looked around trying to spot something that I could get away from them with. I decided I could climb a tree, so I looked for a high one and then started to climb. I was at least 25 feet high when they reached me.

I saw the girl from 2, Glammer with another bow and arrow. It looked more sophisticated then mine. It was black and easier to use. My eyes widen as she takes out and arrow and shoots it at me but she missed my head by 5 inches above me. "Nice shot! Wanna try again!?!" I yelled down, I knew that everyone would get a kick out of that.

I looked at Nate, "Wanna try and throw it at me?" I ask him while glaring. "Yeah try Pretty Boy. Lets see who's side your on. Heard your a good throw." Clover said mocking him. I stared at Nate, he took out a knife and aimed it at me. Everyone looked at me. Before I knew it the knife came at me, to fast to move and sliced my right arm that started to bleed immediately. I winced at my hand flew to it. They all started to laugh, I looked down and saw Nate with an expression that shocked me.


I gave him a blank stare but inside I was confused. "Nice one Pretty Boy!" The boy from 4 said. "Thanks." I heard him say. "Lilly your the smallest one out of us all climb up there." Clide said. "Make her come down." Clover said smiling evilly. Lilly, the girl from 4 started to climb. I moved up another 25 feet making me 50 feet in the air.

Her hands grabbed a thin branch and she fell 15 feet in the air. I laughed and moved back down, "Not as easy as it looks does it?" I ask she got made and threw a knife at me. It hit an inch from my face. "Thanks." I say grabbing it trying not to wince. I stuffed this in my belt along with my other 2. "Nate, you try!" Clover yelled getting angry.

Nate sat down his spear and started to climb. I climbed up but this time only 5 more feet. Nate got up 20 feet 15 feet from me, so I moved up another 20 feet. Where I was now, the branches were starting to get to thin for me. I looked down at Nate who was starting to struggle to get up now. He looked at me and then I saw his hand purposely grab a thinner branch and he fell.

My eyes widen, I knew I should be keeping a straight face because the camera's were most likely on me. I then saw his catch himself when he was only 15 feet up. He climbed down and shook his head. I climbed back down to 25 feet up now. "How about we wait. Non of us can climb and she can't go any where up there. We sleep tonight and try again tomorrow, and plus it's getting dark."

They agree, then Him, Clover, Mason the boy from 3, and Clide went hunting. They came back and started a fire with lots of smoke. It was coming towards me. I knew they did this on purpose. I set up my bag and sat there eating, ignoring the smoke. When it was pitch black I saw the anthem. I then heard something to my right.

I looked and barely saw Raven, the girl from 11. My eyes widen. She looked at me and pointed up I looked and saw bees, but as I looked closer, I saw it was more then that. It's what we call Mutts, or mutations that the Capital does, this one was from the Rebelling 74 years ago. We call them Trackers. They are bees, but if you get stung then you see hallucinations, those can be severe hallucinations, if you get stung once, that's when most people die.

I heard you get stuck in your nightmares for days. And in most cases if you survive one sting, even a grown man has a hard time getting stung twice. The reason we call them Trackers is because they track down the person or people that disturbed them. I looked at her and she was doing a sawing motion. I nod.

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