Chapter 22

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The next day we all eat 2 rolls and drink some water. "Here." Johanna hands me another roll, I look at her as I grab it. "Your 7 months pregnant this rolls probably went to the baby." I nod, I was still hungry. I ate the roll slowly. "So what are we going to do? The wire Brian has. What are we going to do with it?" "Well we thought we could put it under water, the lightning will strike the water and the podium, because of the high tides I will electrocute everyone that's on the sand."

"Ok, how do we know they won't come into the sand?" I ask, "We dont but we hope they do." Brian says, "And they aren't on the beach because we claimed it." Nate added, I nod. When high tide comes Johanna and Fin go in the water, putting the wire under there and all over the place.

At 11 we head over to that section, waiting for it to end, soon it becomes cloudy around us and it starts raining so we head into section 11. That's where we encounter the two girls from 5 and the last girl from 9.

Fin and Johanna surround me and Nate, Brian behind us in case someone comes up behind us. I look at Nate confused. Fin throws his Trident at one of the boys, it lodges itself deep in his chest. Johanna then threw her axe hitting the guy in the gut. When I turn around I see Brian throw a knife hitting the girl in the shoulder. He then grabbed another one and threw it again, hitting her abdomen.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

I look at Nate confused, we could have helped. "What was that?" Nate asks them, "We could have helped." I clarify, "We didn't want you both getting hurt." Is all Fin says before we continue a little deeper.

When we were half way into the forest we were in a meadow, looking at the sky I saw terrible clouds in the middle of the arena. Then there was a huge storm, it started to rain, but we were safe. Then there was a huge strike of lightning.

Boom. Boom.

2 people died, but there were still 2 more left. We all start running towards the beach. When we got there we saw the girl from 10, Sarah dead along with the boy from 8, Johnny.

Looking around I see the wire was cut. They were in the water. We head closer when someone jumped out at me. I screamed as Steven was on me, Sarah's brother. I grabbed a knife, he grabbed my wrist with the knife in it. He was pushing my hand down to my neck. I quickly grab another knife and stab him in the abdomen.

He yells, with the knife still in my hand I lodge it deep in his chest, pushing him off he coughs.


Looking around I see Nate take a knife and stab Janis, the other from 9 in the chest. We both sand up, out of breath. "It's only us now." I say looking around, Nate comes over and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly. Then I kiss him, we don't pull away as Johanna starts talking to me.

Johanna, Fin and Brian look at each other. "Nova I need you to do something quickly." Johanna starts. "I can't kill you all." I immediately say, "You won't but you have to wrap the wire around an arrow and shoot it at the sky in 1 minute." I look at her confused, my heart racing. "Why?" "Just do it." Then there was a strike, we all flew back. I hit my head on something, my vision blurs, going in and out before I see total darkness.

When I wake up I see Nate a few feet away, Johanna was on her stomach, her hair in her face as she looks around. Fin was passed out and Brian wasn't moving. "NOW!!!" I heard Johanna yell through the ringing. I quickly grabbed some wire, wrapping it around my arrow, aiming at the sky. I see, a lightning strike, the wave of electricity on the wire, I shoot. Seeing it fly up in the sky, then it hits something as the lightning strikes the dome we were in began to crumble and fall.

I look around to see Nate still unconcious. "Nate!!" I yell, i get up slowly as I get dizzy. "Nate!" I slowly make my way over as a piece of the roof falls, it was on fire. "Nathaniel Black!" I scream, "Nova!!" "Nova!!!" "Watch out!!" He yells, I look up and see a huge piece of something fall. I jump out of the way, coughing from the smoke. I turn to my back as a sharp pain hits my abdoman. I scream.

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