Chapter 21

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I sit down next to him. He seemed deep in thought. I put my hand on his arm. He looks at me. "I'm sorry you had to save Nate for Maggie. I wasn't"t strong enough." I frown, he nods. "I uh, knew she wouldn't make it far in the games. But I didn't know it was gonna be this hard."

He looks down and clears his throat. I wrap my arms around his muscular shoulders, pulling him to my chest. I felt tears fall onto my chest. "I haven't lost anyone dear to my heart yet. But I know it seems impossible but it will get better, with time." I rub his back.

"I thought you hated me." He whispers, "I never hated you. I just don't like people. But when you saved my ass a couple times then brought Nate back to life that's when you sort of became a friend." He laughs, pulling away and wiping his eyes.

Nate comes over, "I'm sorry you had to save me man, twice." He shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath. It sounded like he said said something along the lines of, 'Until I die' I didn't show him that I heard something but it definitely made me confused.

"We need medicine for these popped boils." I gag as Nate motions to his arm. Then something comes down by a parachute. Fin takes it, "It's yours Fin." I smile as he opens it, there was medicine and 24 rolls.

"Let's eat first. 2 rolls each?" Fin asks. "Yeah." He hands us 2 rolls. 18 were left. We ate them in silence. "Ok let's put the medicine on." I take it from Fin. In the small container there was a pink paste.

I put it on m hands and arms, along with my cheek. "You look disgusting." Fin says I roll my eyes. Nate puts some on. "Fin your turn." He looks at it, a smile appears on my face. "Ohhhh, has Fin Grey never been called ugly before? Ohh, poor handsome Fin, boils on in his skin and disgusting paste." I frown, "Your a bitch." I laugh, "Thanks. Put some on."

He frowns again. "Oh my God do you want then to get infected?" He groans and puts it on with a cringe. I look at Nate who looked amused watching.

The ground then shook. Me and Nate fell to the ground, looking over I see the forest start to crumble in one spot. My eyes widen as I watch. "Oh my God!" I say, a canon went off.

We hear screams and yells coming our way. I ready my bow, pointing it at the forest. People then corn out. 3 of them. "Wait that's Johanna." Fin says, I look at him, "Brian and Jamie are with her." "Johanna!!!" Fin yells running over. I look at Nate, putting my arrow away we follow him.

Johanna and Fin hug. "Good to see you again Nova." I smile at Brian. Johanna looks at me and Nate. "Hey lovers." "Who died?" Fin asks, "Uh Jonas." "I'm so sorry." Fin hugs her. They all were covered in mud I think.

Jamie was whispering something under her breath though Brian and Johanna ignored it. "You look ugly. What's on our face?" She says to Fin making me snicker. "Some type of fog it was poisonous, sponsors gave us medicine and rolls. You hungry?" "Starving."

We head over to our stuff, Fin hands them all 2 rolls. "Any water?" Brian asks as he finishes his first roll. "Yeah me and Fin will get some for you. Turns out it is in the trees. This is a tap." I say, "Ok." She nods, I grab my bow and arrows as Fin grabs his Trident and we head inside the forest.

I was about to get the tap thing out when I heard screams. Familiar screams, my blood ran cold, I felt frozen for half a second. "Natasha!!! Nick!! Mom! Dad!!!" I screamed as I ran towards the screams, Fin calling out my name.

When I get to the scream I see a bird, I shoot it as the screams stop. "What was that?" Fin asks, "Mocking Jay. How did they get there screams Fin?" There was another high pitched scream. "Lila. LILA!!!" He yelled, "Fin No!!!" I yelled running after him.

"FIN ITS NOT HER!!" I shoot the bird. Fin had tears in his eyes. "We need to leave." The screams were heard again, we ran towards them, forgetting everything. We made it to the beach where Nate and Johanna were.

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