Chapter 19

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Everyone sat in a room as the Gamers called us in one by one. It seemed like forever until they called my name. When I went in the Gamers weren't paying attention besides the Gamer I danced with at the party, it seemed years ago.

I went and grabbed a bow and arrow, putting knives on my belt, I went to the simulater, turning it to the hardest difficulty. That's when the gamers started to pay attention. I shot as many arrows as I could as fast as I could until I ran out. I then started to throw knives doing all sorts of moves. With my last nife I did hand to hand combat. After 15 minutes the simulater turned off. I picked everything up, breathing heavily.

Walking out I put the things away. "Good job Ms. Brown. You are excused." I nod and walk out, heading to my room I take a shower. When I got out I went to the sitting area where Nate, Chase, Jenna, Mike, Elaine, Katie and Marvin were. "Just in time."

I smile as I sit down, the numbers were really high besides the ones who aren't victors. The person who got the highest so far, a 10 was Fin. Katie got a 5 and Marvin got a 6. Nate was next, he got a 9. Then me. I got a 13. The highest score ever. Everyone cheered along with me. "That is the new record!" Elane yelled. I squealed. Nate pulls me into a hug.

"What did you do?" Katie asked wide eyed. "I set the simulater to the highest difficulty. I ran out of arrows so I threw knives until I had one left I did hand to hand combat. Came back clean. Wouldn't have gotten a scratch." "Wow!" Mike smiles and pats me on the back.

After that we ate. Chase brought in a cake, when he sat it down he lit the stick in the middle as it sparked and flared. Everyone cheers. I laugh. "All to Nova who has the highest rating in the 75 years of the Games!" I blush as everyone cheers, a huge smile on my face. He sets a piece on everyone's plate. "To Nova." Nate said, I smile. "To Nova." We then all ate with a smile on our faces.

When we were done Mike started conversation. "Marvin Katie tomorrow Elaine will have Katie for 4 hours. While I have Marvin, then you both will switch. I will work on how you will present yourself while Elaine shows you how to walk properly and smile and whatever." "Ok." "And Nova, Nate do what you want." I shrug. "After tomorrow your stylist teams will whisk you all away till 1."

With that me and Nate leave the table. I head to his room as he draws again, I just watch till I slowly fall asleep. The next day I woke up at 9. Nate was in the shower I assumed since the door was closed and the water running. I went to my room and changed in some jeans and a shirt with sneakers. I brushed my hair and walked out to the cining area where Nate was. "Hey we are going to the roof for the day." He holds up a picnic basket. I smile as we head up to the roof.

He lays out a blanket, it was a calm Spring day, the sun wsa out and a few clouds in the sky. I lay my head on his shoulder as we look out to the amazing city. "So we will be back in the arena in 2 days not including today." I sigh, "Yup." "Have you ever wanted kids?" "No, but now I think that I do." He smiles and pulls me closer. "Sorry we didn't celebrate your 17th birthday." "Nah It's fine. It was a few days ago, hell even I forgot." He chuckles.

"What would you do if I said you were pregnant during my interview?" He whispers as his lips were on my head in case there were cameras. "I wouldn't mind." He pulls away with a smile and kisses my forehead. I move my hand to my stomach as I think of kids. I didn't want kids beacause of how I grew up, but maybe if we survive this thing then that would change.

I look at him, he looks down at me as he sees me staring. "What?" "I don't want you to die, if you die then I wouldn't know what I would do. I'd probably kill myself." He sits up, "Nova don't think about that." "I can't help it Nate. I've had nightmares about it before." "I'm sorry Nova." He pulls me close to him as we look out in the city. "You hungry?" "Yeah. He hands me a container of chocolate covered strawberries. I smile as I eat one.

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