Pranks turn to mishaps

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Craig's Point of View~

He walked past me, stumbling drunkly, and onto the couch. He plopped down and giggled.

"What's so funny TJ?" I asked.

"I looooooove you guys," he said.

I looked around. We were the only people on the bus.

"Craig," he whispered.

"Hmm?" I answered, looking back at him to see him biting his lip.

"I'm hhooorrrnnnyyy!"

I blushed lightly. I've never been around TJ when he's horny, but then again he's drunk.

I snap back to reality to see him tugging on his own belt. At that sight I felt myself get hard. Dirty images of TJ porn flashed through my head.

My favorite being where he was licking my chest, looking up at me, naked.

'OH SHUT IT, CRAIG! That's disgusting and he's straight, you idiot!' A part of me yelled in my head.

'But its cute and maybe you have a chance. You've seen him act gay before.' The other half argued.

I looked back at TJ to see him struggling with his shirt. I chuckled and walked over to the drunken hottie.

He gripped my shirt for support before he stumbled. He giggled and leaned against my chest.

"Ya know," he slurred, "You're pretty sexy, actually."

My cheeks burned slightly at those words, I could feel my heart pounding slightly.

"Um... Let's get you to bed, TJ. Okay?"

He nodded and began stumbling once more but I wrapped my arm around his waist.

I took him to my bed in the back so he has more space.

I laid him down and turned to walk away until I heard a whine.

"Ssttaaayyyyy!" He whined.

"TJ, you're drunk." I stated.

"Cuuuudddllleeee mmee!" He demanded.

I went over and sat down on the bed, he pulled on my shirt. He tugged me down next to him, laying his head on my chest. My cheeks heated up as he nuzzled my chest, looking up at me.

I blushed, as I felt his hand move down my side to my ass. He gave it a sqeeze causing me to jump and blush.

"T-TJ," I stuttered.

He giggled and leaned near my face.

"Kiss me," he whispered.

Without any hesitation, I leaned in as well, kissing his soft lips. He tensed and pulled away, no longer looking drunk.


"Craig," he said not slurring.

I felt my cheeks heat up at his shocked expression.

"Craig," he said, "I was never drunk..."

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