Chapter 9: Cuddles Afterwards

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Tj's POV-

I blushed as we snuggled naked underneath the blanket. That was my first time ever having sex with a man and its sooo much better than with a woman.

I purred and buried my face further into his chest.

"I love you, so much," Craig said, gently rubbing my back.

"I love you, too," I said, smiling widely.

A small yawn escapes my mouth as I snuggled closer to him.

"Are you tired, my love?" Craig asked quietly, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"A little bit, that wore me out," I said, nuzzling into his chest, "It felt different."

I couldn't help but blush at my childish words.

"I know, baby, but trust me. I'm gonna make sure you're okay," he kissed my head and ran a hand through my knotted hair.

"I'll even help you cover the marks I left," Craig said with a small chuckle.

I blushes as my eyes widened, "You left marks on me?"

He chuckled again before nodding.

"But, we're going to dinner tomorrow night. I can't look pretty with the marks," I whined slightly.

Craig gently cupped my cheek before kissing my nose.

"Baby boy, we'll make sure every mark of covered before we have dinner. But to me, it means your mine. Those are my marks on your body," He said, pulling me against him as he kissed my forehead.

My cheek burned brighter as I snuggles into him.

"O-okay," I said shyly.

"Now, I say we take a nap, because you look exhausted," Craig mumbled into my ear.

He pulled the blanket up to our shoulders and pulled my head against his chest. I did feel really exhausted and my muscles were slightly sore, my throat hurt from making noises, and not to mention the pain in my bottom.

As though he was reading my mind, Craig sneakily slipped a hand to my bottom and gently rubbed it.

My cheeks turned colors because I was ashamed of how that relaxed me.

My eye lids grew heavy as my body finally relaxed. Soon the sound of Craig's voice began to face and the world turned black.

Craig's POV~

"I love you, baby" I said quietly.

After moments of not getting s reply I look down to see my baby was sound asleep.

A smile formed on my lips as I wrapped my arms slowly around his waist and pulled him against my chest.

Slowly, I let my eyes fall to a close and I let myself drift off into sleep.


Hey guys, I apologize again xc
I'm so bad about keeping up with fanfics, you have every right to be mad at me :c

This chapter is crap, I'm so sorry

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