Chapter 3: I Want You

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I woke up and the sun was shining in my face. I let out a groan and rolled over, but hitting someone's body.

I slowly opened my eyes to cone face to... chest? With Craig. A blush crept across my face as I looked up.

He was so cute sleeping, he had a smile on his face in his sleep. I looked back down to see our hands intertwined.

I smiled and blushed ever more, my cheeks were so warm.

I tried to get up but he held me back down in his sleep. I sighed looked back at him, the man I came to love.

"Craig Mabbitt," I whispered not wanting to wake him up," I've fallen so hard for you. I should've made you stay. I didn't want you to go, but I was so shocked that you kissed me. But I miss the feeling. You're perfect, and I want you to call me yours. But you probably don't like me like that."

I leaned over and gently kissed his cheek.

I stood up and this time he let me, so I quietly started walking. My shirt felt weird.

I looked down at my body to see I was in one of Craig's shirts. A smile spread across my face as I quickly crawled in my bunk.

I shut the curtain and brought his shirt to my face. Inhaling his scent once more.

I smiled wider and closed my eyes. Attempting to go back to sleep.

~Craig's POV

He loves me.

He loves me.

He loves me.

He loves me.

TJ Bell.

Loves me.

I can't believe he said to me. Well, I was suppose to be asleep but I couldn't just wake up after him saying that.

TJ... I think you're perfect. I DO want you to be mine. I want to hold you again right now.

I'm in love with TJ Bell. I want to tell him but I don't want him to know I was awake.

How doe I tell him? When do I? Where do I? Ugh... this is difficult.

I want it to be perfect, so he'll remember it till he's on his death bed.

Maybe, on stage? Nah... too cliché.

Kerrang Awards? Too far away.

I got it. I know what to do.

I silently got up and grabbed my wallet. Opening it to find a couple twenties but those are for food. I sighed and shut my wallet.

This is more important to me right now. I took off my shirt and put on a new one, same as my pants.

I grabbed my phone and out it in my pocket along with my wallet.

He's gonna love it. He has to. And the best part is, its gonna be just me and TJ in a hotel room.

One room.

One shower.

One bed.

One TJ.

I got my shoes on and silently walked into our living room area. I slipped on my jacket and walked out.

First, find a nice hotel for all of us.

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