DARKNESS RISING 5: The Next Move...

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Hey all, so here it is, the final chapter of DARKNESS RISING. Now as I said in the previous chapter I was conflicted about the storyline. I know for a fact that writing this story can be long and painful, due to me writing and watching Transformers Prime at the same time and figuring out where does my OC, Sean Rodriguez, fit in. I felt like stopping here overall, but the show is phenomenal, it's one of the best adaptations of Transformers, alongside TF: animated in 2007 (which I, unfortunately, did not watch back then). And given its large fanbase here on Wattpad, I know for a fact that some readers will beg for more after this.

So I'll give you my announcement at the bottom of the page.

I want to thank everyone for the support throughout this journey. Back when I started writing this in August or September of 2021, I knew for a fact that the story will get attention, but I didn't know how to write an already well-written show with an OC who has common sense and a lot of realistic anxiety over the Great War.


- "text"- regular speaking

- "text"- Sean thinking to himself

- "TEXT" - story transition

Music links: the custom soundtrack for the story.


Saturday night. November 27th, 2010

Sean Rodriguez sighed as Bulkhead drove off of the highway exit ramp and into the town of Jasper. He and Miko never talked much, and looked away from each other on the way home. She was still grumpy at how Sean shut her down at the Decepticon Warship, but likewise, she understood what he meant.

"Hey Sean, do you have Raf's number?"

He turned to face her. "Yeah." And he listed the kid's phone number to her, along with his own.

"Thanks," she replied.

"Hey Sean," Bulkhead joined in, "Arcee told me that when she and Bumblebee first picked you up yesterday, you ducked and covered your face upon seeing her. If you don't mind me asking, what was that about?"

The blonde teenager replied, "before I knew what you guys really were, I initially thought that you all had some sort of facial recognition tech, and you would try to find us. I ducked because I didn't want Arcee to identify me with my face."

Bulkhead almost laughed but caught himself. "That's pretty funny, and smart too. With all that's going on, kids, you have to stay vigilant. The Cons, as you all know, can transform into vehicles just like we do. Well, I believe this is the place," the robot finished. 

Sean looked out to find his house again. His parents are both home, too. "At least it isn't 10:00 pm like last time!" Sean thought to himself. For clarification, the time on his watch was 7:30 pm, two and a half hours earlier than yesterday.

Just as he was getting out, Miko asked him, "Wait, your family's in the army?"

She must have noticed the army sticker on his dad's truck. Sean knew that eventually, he would have to tell the Autobots about his dad's involvement in the military.

"Yeah, my father is a d-"

"Well that explains your knowledge of military bases! The bots will need someone like you, instead of that Fowler dude!" She exclaimed.

Sean rubbed his head. "Well, he's a drill instructor, not a soldier. There's a difference. He's the guy that yells at all of the troopers to get into workout exercises, and that kind of thing. Besides, Fowler's a government agent, so he knows a lot more than I do. Well, see ya guys."

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