Unrested Souls'

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The Demon-Wolf King, Bahm 🤴🏻

"So how does it feel to be a married man, Your Highness?"

"Ahh..." I stalled.

"It's alright." Shrugging my shoulders and smiling at  The Kingdom's second minister.

"That's always a good answer from you Your Highess!" He shrieks and everyone eating at the table chimes into the laughter.

Even my mother, seated at the end and to my side, chuckles along with them. We've been eating dinner almost a half hour now, and behaving was top on my que tonight.

My mother had been stressed out, ever since I've been stressed as well, and I don't want to cause her any more headaches. She's going to be extremely busy working with Cyn, on her roles as Queen. Cyn really liked the idea because she could try and work her way to my mothers heart. Although, I think my mother will always hate her, but she saw fit what was right for The Kingdoms.

My mother is thousands and thousands years old. She is the last female Nine-Tailed Fox. She is very powerful, but never even uses her powers and abilities. According to her, my father was her mate, but they never mates.

Instead, they lived happily with each other for many, many, millennials. The heartache of having a mate, and accidentally hurting each other, would be a different hurt that she didn't want to put her body through, nor my father.

Though he met my birth mother, Hiliana and I was born, he already had a son from a previous partner before meeting my mother Fei. She still loved him, even though she never gave him her own children, but my father loved her dearly as well, he just wanted another son that could be more adequate to take his position as king.

Having to force me and teach me manners, along with proper etiquette, I was accepted as their King. The second son of The Large, and Ferocious Demon-Wolf King, Ba'Hamm!

Tonight I was actually feeling a lot more troubled inside and everyone at the party all knew this, so The Councilmen of my Kingdom, and my mom's allies, knew to have good attitude towards me too.

They wouldn't want to piss me off during times like this! As long as there is a Dark Witch living, I will always be on edge, and in fear that my life would be in danger. A Dark Witch's magic, can do a lot more damage on me than any other witch.

This friggin Hunnie witch in my dungeons has me going crazy! I don't trust anyone anymore. Not even Cyn. Something isn't right about this. I'm beyond paranoid to think that witch actually casted a curse/spell on my whole palace!

Then we have Kris, seated across from me, but a few seats down, that just keeps staring at me. He's overly upset at me, as I to him! He chose a damn Dark Witch over me, his everything! He claims to have so much love for me, and so loyal, but the instance one of his classmates are involved, he switches up on me!

He was very quiet tonight, but I could feel it in his heart he was waiting to snap.

"So, Your Majesty....how has that Dark Witch been in your dungeons?" Says an elved councilwoman.

Kris drops his fork on his plate causing a clatter, and begins rubbing his eyes harshly. He caught the attention of some of our guest but not enough for them to acknowledge him.

"Don't...say...anything about her..." I mîndlinked Kris.

Ready to answer the older woman, Kris slams his utensils back on the table. Causing everyone to twist their faces at him. There was at least thirty beings at our dinning table tonight and they were very important guest to my mother.

I thought he knew better.

I continued to speak after boring a hole into Kris's face. He looks away and sits crossed arm, while leaning into his chair. Still not saying a word to me, not even in our link.

He was pissing me off....

"I'm going to have to kill her. There's something unusually odd about that one, she can't keep my child inside of her. I don't know how it got there. It's unnatural."

I look over to Kris. His eyes red and glossy. The table all groan in agreement and began eating their dishes.

I lowered my head and began stabbing at my salmon. Is killing her worth it? She is still young, and I could just hold her as a slave and keep her around for the child....

I shake my head at that unwanted and unnecessary thought. What the hell am I think!

I brought a piece of buttered salmon into my mouth, forcing myself to chew.

'Sniff' 'Sniff'

I sit up in my seat, placing my fork to the side, smelling a high degree of fire. I sniff the air continuously until I can sense the direction it's coming from.

The fire scent is also very familiar, where does it come from?

I stand up from my seat, as the temperature rises even more. My nose sensing it's fire from a dragon. Draconius, The dragon King I captured hundreds of years ago!

My body tenses, I stare at an already examining Kris, his eyes reading my own, trying to figure out what's wrong with me. His nose wasn't as good as mine and my body stiffens.

My nose twitches in disbelief again.


"KRIS! SHE'S FUCKING ESCAPING!" I mîndlink him quickly.

He bolts out of his chair, shrieks and murmurs heard throughout the room. I teleport instantly downstairs before getting a glimpse of my mothers confused and disappointed face.

Arriving just outside this Hunnie's cell, it's filled with flames. Flames so hot, it wouldn't  be safe down here for Kris. Hell, I don't even think she was in there.

I used my magic, sending a gust of wind throughout the room, extinguishing the angry flames. They died down and I was able to see over the shorter flames.

Her cell was empty. A small opening left high above the stone wall with dirt falling in.

I turn to face Draconius. He was dead. How could he help this Witch!!

I could hear Kris running around the palace to make his way down  the dungeon.

"After I capture her, I'll make you watch me kill her, then....then you will finally die!" My fangs elongated and I pointed to Draconius with my claws extended.

I've been waiting to kill this Dragon King. He thought he was stronger than me and loved to mock my intelligence. Now his souls will finally be set free and straight to hell where he belongs!

"Soon.... your soul too, will be unrested." He replies in his stupid riddles.

I should of always knew he has more abilities that he might be hiding, that is why I kept him alive for years!

Then all of a sudden, melting degree temperatures comes straight out of his cell and into my view. My body burning.

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