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"RRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" I punched the stone wall, breaking my knuckles.  The blood splattering all on the wall and drizzling down to the ground.

The pain didn't amount to the one I felt in my heart. The pain was so much for Kris, making him hate me, I had to place a spell on him so he wouldn't feel my aching heart in his chest anymore. Hiding my true feelings.

Ever since that day Hunnie allowed him to touch, even suck on her breast, my body couldn't take the hurt. The hurt of not being able to go to my mate. Something and someone, I thought I would never have. I never thought the fates would be this cruel to me and make my soulmate a Dark Witch.

Having been tortured for many years, asking my birth mother to please stop her dark witches from experimenting on me. They got to know me from the inside out. Even creating spells and potions to subdue me and my magical wolf demon. I am. Fated to that of a Dark Witch. A very exotic, and beautiful Dark Witch. Once I couldn't...even...have...

Knowing I'm forbidden around her, something Kris didn't even have to tell me, I've been releasing my anger in our magical stone room. It's suppose to be soundproof, but my ears always pick up on any one of my people releasing anger in here.

My mind kept wandering to Kris and Hunnie. I couldn't stand not being around her scent. Wanting  to tell her how sorry I was, and having the chance to soother her lovely face. It made me so sad. I would never forgive myself too, but it was torture ignoring the mate bond. Ignoring the pull that always brought me back around her.

Everyday I follow Kris and her, these past four days, only to get scolded in the mind link by Kris. He's always informing me how scared she still is, and if he can sense me, so can she.  She has, but I..I...just want to talk to her.

He won't let me...

I tell myself not to be angry by him, because he's only protecting her mind and soul. At least he's making her smile....and laugh....even craving his comfort to sleep.

"Kris...please be here when I wake up. You've been leaving me and I get scared. My vision is still blurry...ya know?" I heard her angelic voice say earlier, prompting me to return to this here stone room.

She's so glued to Kris, and hates my guts. I haven't seen her the four days. Only listening to her trembling voice speak to Kris at any location here in the palace. With him, trying his hardest to be fair in all of this.

It was nighttime, the palace getting ready for bed, and Kris will be falling asleep soon. He's been falling asleep instantly. Even before Hunnie does. I've been waiting for her to sink deep into her slumber, before I teleported into the room quickly to get a glimpse of her. I never stayed too long, as sometimes Kris has woken up from my scent. Even questioning if I was in the room. Of course I always lied, saying I was outside the door passing. Her swelling seemed to be going down.

He doesn't know how hurt I am in all of this. Having to cast that pain reliever spell on his chest, or else he'd feel how miserable I really was. I was embarrassed, just wanting to keep all my thoughts and feelings to myself. As I didn't have the room, nor right to say or do anything right now.

I even deserve to be rejected. If it wasn't for my welded heart in Kris's chest, and his love for this woman, I would force her to reject me. I didn't deserve her lovely bones one bit.

I killed our child.....

Oh heavens, our baby....

I'm a monster.

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