New scenery

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Running down the halls and back to the side I came from, I felt like The King was right behind me.

Is he actually following me though?

I march up the stairs, almost running into Kris's rock hard body.

"What are you doing out here Hunnie! You just got your vision back."

"I...I was just walking. I got hungry." I sighed out, looking behind me down the hall.

"Why are you running?"

"The King..." I say, not sure how to complete my sentence.

"I..I thought...I thought he was after me!..."

"Hunnie the palace is too big for you to just get up and start searching around the night, and why would Bahm chase you?" He asks.

" I don't.. I don't know." I shrug and we walk back up the stairs together.

Clinging onto his arms, enjoying his warm body and delicious scent, he opens the door to The Healing Room. I lock it behind us as Kris walks back to the bed.

As we lay in the bed, he cuddles from behind me. Running his hands along my thighs, sending the ultimate goosebumps throughout my body.

His hands even trails up my dress, and rubbing my stomach, to only bring his hands back behind my backside. Cupping and rubbing my rear gently. My body shivers from his touches. My heart even races rapidly like his, which is the only thing I can hear.

He retracts his hands and turns around to lay on his back. The heat from his hands still felt like it was over me as sleep takes over the both of us. His snores filling the room and soothing me to sleep.

When I wake a few hours later, I was overwhelmed with joy. I had my vision to see the morning sunshine. I can also see Kris's sleeping face that matches the snore I've been falling asleep to.

I eye the rest of the room and see a small brown door. I wondered if thats were Kris went to use the bathroom last night, or was it that other tall door in the room?

Visions of The King begins flooding my mind. Especially when he started mumbling about not knowing.

I knew he was talking about me. We were both innocent in all of this....

My chest started to hurt and I felt a saddening need to cry my heart out. I felt bad for the both of us. Life can be entirely cruel.

" awake?" Kris's groaning voice comes from my right side.

I was actually thinking about picking which door to open so I could find a toilet, but he woke up instead. The need to urinate was strong and causing me pain with discomfort again.

"Good morning beauty."

"Morning Kris. Is that the bathroom?" I say pointing to the small brown doors across the way as his arms finds its way around my torso.

"Yes. Do you need to go?"

"Yes," I say sitting up.

"Okay, one minute. I'll help you."

"No I got it. Thank you." I say making my way to the door.

"Ok baby. Yell if you need me." He mumbles. "The other door is the balcony."

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