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 You HAVE to get the upper hand on her!" My voice cracks seeing Cyn tear Kris's abdomen to shreds through his own eyes!

It was nothing too major, but he couldn't get the upper hand on her and Hunnie was still laying  on the ground! Blood was coming out of her womanhood and I was so worried!


The babies seemed to be in distressed and... I'll die before anything happens to them! I cried softly walking in place, thinking what I could do next.

Without hesitation, and looking at all the wide eyed prisoners, I shifted to Aldrerix. We kept shifting our hind legs, paws, snout, then our whole entire body until I was nearly the size of the room. It seems as whoever built the dungeons, made it so I couldn't escape with my magic. I have a traitor here in The Kingdom of Ghàbaar...

I could feel the prisoners underneath my paws as I kept growing, smashing their bodies. My head hits the ceiling and and I push upward, splitting the ceiling in two as it comes tumbling down above me. I let my body grow some more, the debris from the cracking stones lay everywhere and smoke filled my vision and mouth. 

The sounds of screams and vampires running rang in my ear. I didn't care! I'll deal with them all later as to how  NO ONE knew I was in there!

"Kris! I'm coming now. Hold her off!" I said over in the link seeing Cyn still wrestling with Kris on top.

My body jumps up and down, and the side of the castle where the dungeon was held, caves in exposing outside's fresh air. I look around to the many beings who escaped quickly enough from the corridor and safely outside. Their faces had terror written all over it. Wondering why The Demon King was shifted so big and ruining their castle.

I shook my fur and teleported quickly after sensing too much blood leaving Kris's body. Weary eyes all over me as I vanished in the blink of an eye.

Upon arriving, I was still in wolf form  when I landed right above Kris and Cyn. My head lowers down to where I smelled Cyn in between the trees, and she happens to look up to me terrified. I was tall and enormous as the trees here in this forest. Cyn lets Kris's hand and neck go, rolling off of him and happens to make a run for it while I began shifting down.



Kris yells, holding onto his abdomen that was severely injured. 

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