Chapter 80. Cool Me, Heal Me

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Running Hunnie frantically out of the lounge room, I carried Hunnie to the bathroom, trying to get her fever down. I began stripping her clothing off, layer by layer while mind linking Bahm to get the pack doctor Mirah, over here. He doesn't answer, even when I raised my voice and now my body was shaking.

I could sense and feel that Bahm was beginning to walk back our way, but very slowly. I don't understand why he just doesn't teleport his self over here!

Cradling Hunnie's naked body in my arms, I enter into the tub filled of cool water and sit under with her.

"It's....It's...c-c-cold K-Kris! 

Wh-Wh-What...are y-y-you... d-do-ing!" She whimpers with her eyes closed.

I tell her I'm trying to get her fever down as it's way passed 100 degrees Fahrenheit!
Then she starts whining about her stomach aching and how drained she feels. She wants to sleep but she's so cold. I was beginning to panic. Why has she gone ill suddenly? Has Bahm done any acts that could harm our mate?

I could now feel Bahm running back towards the castle and it made me even more worried there was actually a reason why he wasn't teleporting here. He seemed extremely fatigued as well and I was beginning to feel it in my chest! That's must be why he isn't teleporting!

 He has no energy! 

His fight was nothing, why is he so tired? I saw him when he threw his sword to that old lady. That was not even energy draining one bit!

"I'm...hun...gry Krisss." Hunnie says and turns around to hug me. She straddles my lap and I hold her hot body. She was trembling and then she goes limp. My heart drop in my ass!

Holy Shit!

I can't BELIEVE Bahm just left us here!

I get it that this old lady witch helped Cyn with the spell that made him forget Hunnie, but she was already old and dying, he could of stayed a few minutes! She didn't seem any faster than a turtle her damn self!

I struggled to lift Hunnie's body out of the tub, I felt exhausted all of a sudden, but then I heard Bahm entering into the castle now. He started off walking very slowly, then his pace picked up and he sprinted down the halls and towards us. I was already on my way back to his chambers, lightly jogging in my soaked pants that made the walk with Hunnie even more tiring and long.

I mind link Bahm's asking why he's so tired and he doesn't even respond. My nose indicated he was just behind me.

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